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My ideal day…!

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Once in a while you just have a really really good day. What is my ideal day? Its really hard to say. I thought about it for a long time. The next question I thought about for a long time was who is my best friend? Its very hard to decide, so I eventually decided on my cat, Boris:


Isn’t he marvelous? When I’m home he loves to hang out with me in my room! So after a great amount of thought my ideal day turns out to be me and Boris chilling in my room, with me on the computer:

Photo Jul 01, 3 43 05 PM

I know it sounds like a sad life haha, however It is really fun!  and I seem to get most of my work done during those times, when I’m in my room at home. I have had some of my best ideas there (probably because proportionally I have spent most of my time there). So that’s the story behind the story.

In terms of the process of creating my drawing for this daily create. It took me awhile to figure out what my ideal day was. I interpreted the assignment not so much as the best day ever with my bestest friend ever, instead I took it as what do I like spending my time doing. After I came up with the concept of Boris and I in my room the drawing came quickly afterwards. I really have such bad drawing skills, I am trying to improve them, however It is very difficult for me. And its not from lack of creativity, I think its just lack of technical training (however I believe this can be said about most things). All I all I thought the assignment was very fun to do, it made me question how boring my life really is haha, however I have come to the conclusion that my life isn’t boring, its just not overly exciting (by my own choosing). My ideal day really is just working on research problems!

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