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A nice relaxing day on the beach

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Relaxing on the beach

Don’t you just love those days on the beach? My friend Adam loved the beach so very much! He was what they call a “beach bum”, he really wold spend all his time on the beach! He did this really funny thing in which he would just sit on the beech as still as a statue, some people honestly thought he was one! He would pose in the most ridiculous ways! His favorite movie was the Titanic, you can probably see where I’m going with this. He would pose like Rose on the beach, and then he would wait for passersby to notice this “magnificent statue”, and when they came up close to inspect it, he would shout “PAINT ME LIKE ONE OF YOUR FRENCH GIRLS”, and then he would run off!

I created this image for today’s daily create. I thought it was quite fun! I really liked the concept of taking this paintings and then dropping them into reality. When I first read the prompt, the paintings I thought of immediately were the Mona Lisa, Scream, and the Creation of Adam. Out of all of these I figured that the latter would work the best! I imported the painting into Photoshop and got to work cutting out Adam from the background. It took quite a long time, probably about 15 minutes just to do that. I used a combination of the Magic Wand tool and the Lasso Tool. After that I simply downloading an image of a beach form After that I just positioned Adam where I wanted him!

I think the hardest part was cutting him out of the background. I think I am going to do some additionally reading on the best way to do that, because even with putting in 15 minutes it didn’t turn out as great as I would have liked. I am sure there are a ton of tricks to get it to work nicely.

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