Five Card Story: Forest Slums
a Five Card Flickr story created by Bosco
flickr photo by bionicteaching
flickr photo by bionicteaching
flickr photo by bionicteaching
flickr photo by bionicteaching
flickr photo by bionicteaching
This story is about a character who is strolling through the slums and ends up seeing a house owned by the wealthy before making their way back to the forest where they actually live
For this daily create, I was assign to create a five card Flickr story. This is my first attempt at one, so I began to choose images of houses or the alley way. I then chose the last two images because they seemed to create a story of a person walking through a slum and finding a nice house before going back to where they actually stay, the forest.
Five Card Story: Forest Slums @ds106dc #ds106 #tdc1351
— Andrew Boswell (@Boscoe1213) September 20, 2015
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