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Week 6 Summary

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Here are my daily creates for this week:





Design Assignments that total up to 12+ stars:

and the Love at First Shot assignment:


Above is our Radio Show Group Logo and below are links to the DesignBlitz and Reflections:

This week’s assignments were a bit tough because of the weather, so I feel like I could’ve done the designblitz portion a lot better if I finished them earlier in the week rather than doing the Assignment Bank assignments first. Although, I really did enjoy doing those, especially the one with Teen Titans’ Robin and Raven; and pasting Jim Groom’s head on the Man of Steel movie poster. The suspect board was a lot of fun as well, though I should have done something else rather than a stolen cookie.

I did learn quite a bit from Vignelli’s booklet about designing objects. I do believe that it is rather important that you try to perfect every little detail that you can on whatever you are designing. I did that with my group’s radio logo. I used my digital skills to create and to perfect it to the best of my abilities with the feedback of my teammates. Speaking of the radio group, we’ve decided to do some sort of story involving nine people/characters and the title that we’ve come up with is, “9 Lives”. That is all we have for now. I also forgot to mention how convenient it was learning about designing the same week we had to do a radio show logo.

I feel pretty good about this week’s daily creates and nothing else really gave me trouble.(besides the rain)



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