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History 2.0 (Week 1 Progress)

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I found a group for the radio show! The groups consists of Gail Crunkhorn, Daniel Valdez, Connor Henning, and myself. We’ve decided to use one of my radio show ideas (seeing how the internet would’ve changed the past), and we’re calling the show History 2.0. We haven’t had a chance to meet in-person, or to record anything, but we have a Google Doc where we’ve been putting down ideas. Hopefully we’ll be able to meet up sometime during the next couple of days to iron out everything and get going with the radio show itself. Unfortunately, I’m going to be super busy all week next week, so I’m going to be really short on time. I’m looking forward to making the show, but really worried about my workload. I hope I’ll be able to get everything done in time.

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