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I decided to do the supercut assignment with a movie I like a lot, Akira. Two of the main characters, Tetsuo and Kaneda, call each other’s names a lot during the course of the movie, to the point that it’s become something of a joke amongst people who’ve seen the movie. Because of this, I decided to make a supercut of all the times their names were said during the course of the film.

To make the supercut, I obviously needed the video file for the movie. I own a DVD copy, but after a lot of trying, I found out that I really can’t mess around with the files on it. I looked around on the internet and managed to find a copy that I could mess around with, so I downloaded that and went to work. At first I tried to make the supercut manually, but it wasn’t really practical. I remember my girlfriend made a supercut for a different class last year, so I asked her what she used to make it. She used a tool called videogrep, which uses a subtitle file to grab clips from the movie when certain things are said. I searched around and found a subtitle file (couldn’t access the ones on the DVD again), and ran the program. I ended up getting this:

It’s a little rough, since the software isn’t perfect, but it still turned out pretty well! The clip around each instance of “Tetsuo” and “Kaneda” isn’t particularly long, but the video still ended up being four and a half minutes long, so you can tell their names are said a lot in the movie, primarily by each other.

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