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Owl My Thoughts on the DS106 Radio

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When I first started listening to the DS106 Radio (unfortunately not live :( …)  I was the only listener.

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It started with 3 songs and then went into a story about running.  I enjoyed the back and forth interaction the person running the show was having with his interviewee.  (I then had to take a break because life intervened, so I guess it was good that I wasn’t listening live…)

When I returned I was one of two listeners.  It again started with a song, but quickly went into an interview.  Throughout the hour I was listening I was interested in the stories people were telling about running, the woods, and the Jersey Devil.  I realized the voice on the show sounded familiar and when I checked who was on it was none other than my DS106 professor!

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When I went on to listen I was expecting more excitement.  The music is from a wide variety of genres as are the stories.  The radio was not what I was expecting at all, but I still enjoyed listening to it.  I am looking forward to going on this more often to catch more interviews and story telling.  I was much more into hearing the talking interactions than the music.  I found that having both helped to break up to broadcast, but I was not into the music that was played while I was on.  Some of the stories were fun and others were very serious.

I found out while I was on that one of my group members was too!  Small world on the ds106 radio.

I was listening to the 64 version both times and neither were live.  I hope to catch a live one soon!


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