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  1. Owl Be Reading | Owl Be Reading

    Book of Poetry

    Poetry Reading This is a poem by Fiona Davidoson.  I started with her story and made it more of a narrative of prose.  When it ended I went on to take the story to a whole new place.  I enjoyed expanding on another’s creativity in a way to make it …
  2. Owl Be Reading | Owl Be Reading

    Owl Show You a Pet

    Cartoonize you pet: 1 star When I saw this assignment I was excited to do it.  Taking a picture and making it a cartoon/sketch, perfect.  I was yet to use photo editing this way.  I was bummed when I read that the subject for the image was suppose to be …
  3. Owl Be Reading | Owl Be Reading

    One Story

    One story:  Two Stars This assignment was fun.  I instantly thought of another one of my favorite television shows.  I think for people who have seen the show the four icons will make it easy to guess the story, but for those who have only heard of it may have …
  4. Owl Be Reading | Owl Be Reading

    Six Word Autobiography

    Six-Word Memoir: 3 stars This assignment was a little bit more challenging than the other I have done.  I thought about what I wanted, something that is important to me and plays a large role in my life.  Shocker I chose books.  From there I thought about what books mean to me …
  5. Owl Be Reading | Owl Be Reading

    Alternate Book Cover

    Alternate Book Cover: 3 Stars Another book cover!  This assignment involved taking a well known book and create a different cover for it with a different story to it.  I chose Harry Potter (I did not pick a specific one, just the series in general). I went with a literal …
  6. Owl Be Reading | Owl Be Reading

    The Binding of Elements

    Color: Has visual impacts on the viewer and vary in tone, shade, and light.  It can create mood or emphasis depending on combination and organization. This image uses color to create interest and to catch the eye of the viewer.  The colors and tones used do this while still allowing …
  7. Owl Be Reading | Owl Be Reading

    Read it and weep! (Week 5)

    Week 5 flew by!  It started off with creating a group for a radio show and come up with a team name.  I am now part of The 5th Dimension! @cogdog : @l_hampson23 @caseyragg @rwyrough @dylangott1 and I are called 5th dimension! — Fairuz Maggio(@fairuzmaggio) February 15, 2013 We were …
  8. Owl Be Reading | Owl Be Reading

    Hoo’s got the Chocolate?

    Averaging Concepts Using Flickr: 3 stars I was a little skeptical after reading this assignment.  All the examples looked kind of the same.  I decided to give it a try because it involved using techniques I have never used before.  I downloaded bulkr and then typed the word “chocolate” into the …

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