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“In a good book the best is between the lines.” – Swedish Proverb (Week 6)

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I thought this week of DS106 would be similar to last week because both had so much photography involved.  This was not the case.

I was glad to read there was an other photo blitz type assignment.  Design Safari was a blast.  I carried my camera around with me all week and took so many pictures.  I was able to incorporate what I learned last week as well as the elements we learned this week.  One of the main things I took out of this part of the week was that pictures do not just represent one element, but many combined together.  It was hard to pick which pictures to use and then which element it associated with the most.  I am proud of what I produced and I cannot wait to use my other photographs later.

The most difficult part of the week was doing 15 stars worth of assignments.  Some of the assignments really stuck out to me while others were much more complicated and harder to produce.  Cartooning my pet allowed me to use new editing tools.  I was able to get across the main ideas of one of my favorite television shows (Charmed) with just four icons.  By using a simple picture and six words I got across an idea of who I am and what part of my life is.  Though I am not a good singer at all I got to design an album cover and create song titles for my successful indie band!  Closer to things possible in my life, I designed two book covers.  One was an alternate to a popular book and the other took a character I enjoy to watch and create a how to book to her personality.  Each assignment had its challenges, but I am happy with what I was able to design.  The easiest one was simple taking four icons to the hardest one creating book covers.  Oddly enough I found greater joy in the hard ones because the end product gave me more of a feeling of accomplishment.

(Here is the set that these assignments are found in along with previous assignments)

The daily creates I did this week incorporated the elements I learned about this week.  It was hard not to see color, proportions, space, dominance, rhythm, and so many more.  I took something as simple as a person wrapped in a blanket and found life in it.


I took a cherished memory and made it look that way to the viewer.


I was also able to take an image and tell an opposite story to the one people may think of when they first see it.

Safety Tip

Soon I will be doing a radio show with a group of other DS106ers.  We have been communicating through twitter.  We have decided to call ourselves The Fifth Dimension.

Our logo we decided to go with is a great example of form, space, color, and so much more:

We decided to go with a Twilight theme and and use soundscape as our format.

I think this week was my favorite week yet.  I learned so much and got to do things I love along the way.  Previously in my higher level art class I learned the elements and principles of design. This week I was able to use that knowledge and then learn even more.  I feel that this week has caused me to grow as an artist, a photographer, a story teller, and a viewer.

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