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Ever since I can remember I’ve been poppin’ my color

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That’s not true.

I haven’t been.

But I DID this week! The color popping assignment was a lot of fun. I’ll admit I got a little bit of a hand cramp erasing the black and white image to reveal the colored layer.  Did anyone else find a less complicated way of popping the color than putting a black and white copy of the image over the original and erasing the top layer over the part you wanted? It worked – it was just a bit tiresome.

Here’s what I came up with!



This picture is from PRISM Prom this past fall, where the theme was “Pretty in Pink.”   The balloons and pom-poms really stood out in this picture so I decided to pop the pink.  I really like how it turned out.  I wasn’t sure if I was supposed to do it this way though because the pinks are different shades.

Like I said, it was a pretty simple process.  Open the image in GIMP, open another copy of it and paste it over the original after converting it to black and white.  After that, you can choose the eraser option (on transparent setting) and erase away the black and white part over where your color is. Ta-da!

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