How many times have we said that sentence before, we are talking about a movie and want to reference it but can’t remember the title!!! Maybe we know an actor or two, but other than that we pretty much are left to Goolge-ing random things or trying to trace IMDB actors to the desired film. Well, sadly these things won’t help you with this two star design assignment which calls for getting pictures of four things and putting them together to try and describe a movie, what a task! Here was my end result:
I got all of these pictures from the website recommended in the description which I absolutely loved! I love how you could search a topic and see all of results, it was simplistic and had tons of different options as well. It is definitely a site I will keep in mind for future design projects! I saved each image by using the print screen tool and then cropped just the picture in GIMP. Next I opened each design as a layer in GIMP and moved them in the order that I desired. I wanted to go more in chronological order, but I think you should get it no matter what
Happy guessing!
Princess Karissa
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