The past few weeks working with audio has brought an overwhelming whirlwind of knowledge. From completing my first foley challenge, to having a four minute conversation with myself, there was lots to learn. Let’s recap the highlights:
I created a bumper and commercial for my Twilight Zone themed radio show:
I created some sound effects for a small portion of a Charlie Chaplin silent film:
I completed some radio assignment blogs, totaling 7 stars:
Text Impersonations Assignment Blog ***
Multipersonality Assignment Blog ****
And lastly, I far exceeded the amount of daily creates I have ever created for a weekly summary, with 6:
Fifth Dimension Recap
Throughout the process of creating the radio show, the Fifth Dimension communicated through twitter. Everyone was very agreeable, and we were able to choose our theme and type of radio show fairly quickly. We then had a Google Hangout to divide roles and choose the assignments we would be completing, since we decided on a soundscape format. After the hangout, we decided we would meet sometime later in the week to compile all of our works, however that plan fell through and we were only able to get a few members together. This was the hardest part of working as a virtual group, planning a time for all of us to meet in person. Ultimately, I volunteered to compile everyone’s work and created a radio show from the individual works.
When I was choosing which assignment from the radio assignment bank I was going to use for the show I chose one in my comfort zone. What I thought would be a fairly easy assignment, however, turned into an excruciatingly long and difficult project. I also did not initially plan on doing the brunt of the work for the team, however things just worked out that way.
As a whole, the Fifth Dimension’s radio show turned out alright. I think we had some difficulty sticking to the Twilight Zone theme, and also had trouble creating a cohesiveness throughout the show, as it often seemed like just a bunch of random projects thrown together. Overall, however, we developed a solid final product that I hope people will enjoy.
The audio section of ds106 has finally concluded. My skills with audio have vastly improved over the past few weeks, and I now feel very comfortable working with Audacity. I was not too intimidated initially when audio began, however I quickly found out I had a lot to learn. These past few weeks have helped teach what I still needed to learn. While audio is still not my favorite subject of ds106, it is now one of them.
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