I couldn’t come up with an “interesting” topic for my second design create of the week, so I turned to the ds106 page to look at their visuals. Since this was on there (and one of our design create options) and reminded me of reading the comic strips in the newspaper when I was little, I decided it would be fun to try and might teach me a little more about working with GIMP. I also thought that since we had a tutorial on it and I’m not entirely familiar with the software I’m using, it would be beneficial to practice. Now that I have a little more experience with the many features of GIMP, I’m hoping this week to do some really cool stuff of my own.
Add a comic book effect to a photo. This was originally a picture of my volleyball team before a match, and we’re leaving for Nationals in a week so I thought it would be fun to make a comic book picture about that.
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