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Design Create #1

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Pick a bad photo, apply a vintage effect, and write something in Helvectica.

I chose this photo to edit, and I used GIMP to do so.

This photo is just a horrible, blurry picture I snapped of my roommate walking home one night. Applying the filters was pretty easy and it was fun to look through them. I chose that quote because I can’t STAND it. Actually, when I first read The Perks of Being a Wallflower in my freshman year of high school, I thought it was the coolest quote ever and my friend and I used to write it all over everything. After the movie came out this past year, I was reintroduced to it and began to hate it just because it was so overused. So not only is this a vintage effect of a horrible picture I took of my roommate walking home one night, but it includes potentially one of the most ridiculous quotes ever.

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