I love myself but I am that weird child that loves animals from under the sea and loves to eat them too. I know that sounds weird but its like they taste good what am I supposed to do? Exactly! Well I think that my I am me video has a lot of sea creatures and I have eaten most of them. When I go on vacations I love taking pictures and most of them are fish or underwater animals. I think they are the coolest. In doing this I learned what my favorite animal is a jellyfish! They are so graceful but can be deadly! Just like me hahah just kidding… or am I? *evil laugh* Back to what I was talking about oh yeah my video I made it from my pictures that I took from Cancun and the Dominican Republic, I used the background music from under the sea the little mermaid and I thought that was fitting from what I have to do. I used windows movie maker to put everything together and I really think that this shows how I am.
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