As a web assignment I created a pinterest for Rapunzel. On it she has all the things she will need for her journey to the floating lights. I put on practical things, such as flashlight, tent, sleeping bag, and food. I also put somethings that Rapunzel likes, such as Pascal, a frying pan, paints, and books.
Instead of just pinning items I wrote a description or reason for each item. One of the ones I like the most is the pin on putting a lot of hair up, because Rapunzel will have to do this so her hair does not slow her down by getting caught on branches and forest things.
This assignment was a lot of fun to do. I had to rack my brain about camping and travel as well as remember parts of the characters personality to make sure I pinned appropriate things. I even made sure some of the items were purple like Rapunzel’s dress.
Check out Rapunzel’s pinterest board Floating Light Mission!
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