So as many of you know I, Twinkie (formerly Twinkie the kid), recently lost my job with the shut down of my sole employer Hostess. Yes, due to a worker strike the company had to shut its doors after 40+ years of service! Needless to say it was pretty devistating, but never one to let life run me over I decied to jump back into the swing of things and start getting my name into the workforce!
Just incase none of you are already following me on my twitter I have it linked here. I joined twitter because I thought it would be a great place for me to keep in contact with old co workers as well as start to form my new network! I posted my entire job searching process here, boy have I come a long way!
I also decied to create something called a “linkedin” account. I had never heard of such a site, but this is where I created a professional profile, sort of like an online resume. As some of you may or may not know I have spent most of my life in sales and show biz, so I have a lot of talents that I think can be put to use in the right job. I think most of the pushback I will recieve will be from my stardom and the fact that people have a hard time envisioning me in any other role besides “Twinkine the Kid”. But the reality of it is that I am just a normal guy looking for a stable job I can provide for me and my family.
That being said I my next mission was to create a business card. I found a site that would allow me to make my own business cards. I think this really gave me the competitive edge I needed to get a job. I worked up a template and I am loving the results, ordered 200 of them!
So you all can imagine my struggle with the economy being so poor and my background being so niche, so I was shocked when I got a call back from Allstate offering me a sales job! I was so proud of myself and I honestly think it was my linked in account that really hit the ball out of the park. Oh and the best part? The office is only a 10 minute bike ride from my house! Can you say gas savings? I included a picture of the commute too!
My job search was not an easy task, I mean who is really looking to hire a 6′ dessert cake? But I say to all of you looking for work, don’t be discouraged. If you take the right steps and apply yourself nothing is impossible!
Twinkie Gets a Job
Posted by DS106 ChaChaChelsea Style
May 3, 2013
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