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Weekly Summary

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This week was not as bad as I expected it to be! I was really worried about the video assignments for this week since we had to complete sixteen assignments! Sixteen assignments sound like a lot however, they were all fairly easy. The only video that I was absolutely dreading to create was the mini documentary. I chose this as one of the videos to incorporate my host character with. It took me awhile to really think about and consider what all exactly I needed to focus on. I was off to a great week at the beginning and completed my daily creates within the first couple of days, and I started working on my commenting fairly early. This was my first week using movie maker and it was totally easier than I expected it to be. I actually kind of liked learning more about movie maker, how to edit, and incorporate various things into my clips. Overall, this week was successful and I did not seem or feel as stressed out about completing my work.

My assignments for the week can be found by clicking the links below!

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