Two Star Assignment: Parent-Child Headswap
Hhahahaha, I have to do this. That was the first thought I had when I saw this assignment suggestion. Originally this picture is of my father, my older brother and I. My father is the older man, I am on the left and my brother is on the right. After completing other visual assignments using Photoshop I found the process behind making this picture a lot easier and much more enjoyable. I was not able to find a picture of just my father and I so used a picture that included my brother as well. Hopefully everyone else finds this as funny as I did!
As I said earlier this picture was relatively easy because I am familiar with the tools used in Photoshop now. I simply downloaded the picture I needed from facebook, copied it onto to photoshop and began editing it. I used Magnetic Lasso tool to easily draw a circle around the heads in the picture and I copied then pasted it onto another layer. From there it was just a matter of moving the pasted photos to the desired locations.
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