Spirited Away is a captivating, colorful film by Hayao Miyazaki. In continuing with theme from Princess Mononoke, I have painstakingly dragged a little paint bucket around to capture Spirited Away’s colorful mysticism and create the Aburaya Bathhouse minimalist travel poster.
The method you ask? Colors were sponsored in part by Kuler, featuring Oil Flame, Japanese Lanterns, and Japanese Gardens themes. Bringing up Adobe Illustrator, I traced in Color 6 and then used the paint bucket in live paint to fill in the image.
The font is Vtks Vinte e Cinco and the most frustrating part of the process. I can imagine what font I want, but actually turning that into something tangible is challenging and so I downloaded this font out of frustration. If something turns up, I would very much like to change it.
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