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Photo Features

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I searched around on Flickr to find some cool shots that demonstrated the important points pretty well:

  • Selection

moon is the milkyway

Since this is a long-exposure shot, a decent amount of time and planning had to go into this.

  • Contrast

Sky of fire

I love the contrast between the silhouette of the landscape and the deep red and orange sky.

  • Perspective

9-11 Tribute Lights

The buildings all pointing towards the center makes this a really neat shot.

  • Depth

Disused Church

The perspective here gives the photo a lot of depth.

  • Balance

Seattle [Explored #184 - 9/15/16]

The skyline of Seattle has much more visual weight than Mount Rainier in the background.

  • Moment


Where is moment more important than when taking a picture of an instantaneous flash of lightning?

  • Lighting


This photo has really pretty lighting from the sunrise.

  • Foreground/Background

Humpback Whale (Megaptera novaeangliae)

The whale in the foreground vs the town and hills in the background is a really neat dichotomy.

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