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No Lyrics

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For my last assignment, I did the Favorite Song assignment. I have a handful of songs that I like more than the others on any given day, so I don’t really have a single favourite; it’s more like a set of favourites. Either way, I chose one of the songs from that set and tried two ways to remove the lyrics from the song. After removing the lyrics, I cut the songs down to 30 seconds. To be specific, I cut them down to the last 30 seconds. I won’t even try uploading these to SoundCloud, since my internet’s being slow and they’ll probably be taken down for copyright anyways. So yeah, two ways I removed lyrics:

The first way was really simple. Audacity has a function to automatically remove vocals. I highlighted the entire song, clicked the button, and boom, I got a version without any lyrics. It made the song sound a bit shriller and higher-pitched than normal, though. It also left behind some of the lyrics, which you might be able to hear in the background. It still sounds pretty decent, though:

The second way was a bit more involved, but I spent some time searching around on the internet, and found this nice tutorial. One I found that, it wasn’t too difficult to get rid of the lyrics. I had to fiddle around with the tracks, and had to make it mono instead of stereo, but I think it ends up sounding a bit less shrill/choppy than the auto-removed lyrics version. It also didn’t leave behind nearly as much of the vocals:

If you want to hear the entire song without lyrics, here’s the full auto-removed version:

And the full manually-removed version:

The name of the song (ROT13 this one too):

Vmr bs gur Jbeyq

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