My experience with the radio station was amazing,we were complete strangers.I didnt even know they were in my class. But we came up with great ideas and different story lines to follow, as well as who would be in charge of the host, audio engineer and the organizer. There was suppose to be four of us. But unfounrtuantely one of our groupmates did not participate.But overall we came together and got it done, Me,Tarage and Kiara in my eyes did an amazing job for our first radio show. Some of the things we worked with to get it done was with podcast. We met up on saturday at the college and record and edit the show.It was a long process,it was suppose to take only 2 hour to get everything done but it turned out to be 6 hours of prepping and recording. All in all it was fun and I hope everyone likes our show it was meant to be fun and natural, we were just being silly.
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