My momma just recently got herself a laptop and I could not be more proud of her. I say this because as I was growing up, she had consistently refused any offer my dad or I had given her in regards to learning. I remember several occasions where she needed to get online to check her bank statement. Neither my dad nor I were home at the time, so she calls me and asked me how to get here to the bank log in screen. What should have taken 2 or 3 minutes ended up being a 20 minute conversation on the phone, still reaping no positive results. With this in mind, I decided make a basic computer tutorial for my mom.
In order to start this assignment, I will need to do a couple things in preperation:
1. Discover and download sometype of software that will record both my desktop video as well as my voice. I could record them seperatly, but it can be hard to mesh up the two mediums sometimes – Which I have an idea for, but am open to suggestions.
2. Decide what exactly I want to explain to her and formulate some coherent way of explaining it – I already have a general idea of what I want to explain, which includes accessing and using the internet, creating word documents and organizing files with folders.
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