Touch the firehose of ds106, the most recent flow of content from all of the blogs syndicated into ds106. As of right now, there have been 92751 posts brought in here going back to December 2010. If you want to be part of the flow, first learn more about ds106. Then, if you are truly ready and up to the task of creating web art, sign up and start doing it.

  1. Justin Baker

    Class Reflection

      Looking back on my write up about Personal Cyber infrastructure,  I feel that my grasp of the concept is about the same. I also feel the same way about the “Bag of Gold” analogy as well as the concept of a “digital facelift”. However, I now have more personal experience managing myself and my presence ...
  2. Justin Baker


  3. Justin Baker

    Final Project Summary

    For my final project, I decided that I wanted to take the professors advice and incorporate something that I am interested in since I would be working on it for an extended  period of time. After some soul searching, I came up with the idea of incorporating one of my favorite shows – The Walking ...
  4. Justin Baker

    Draw it.

    I was able to come up with one more assignment idea, Draw it! This one asks the students to take a picture, whether it be there or one from the internet, and get some experience with Photoshop by converting it into an image that look drawn. I actually got the idea for this one from a previosu ...
  5. Justin Baker


    Being a fan of the internet and animals, there have been a ton of instances where I had seen videos and pictures of animals acting in odd ways. One of these ways is by acting in a way similiar to how a human would. However, I never seem to see it myself in real life…so ...
  6. Justin Baker

    Animated Music Video

    I have been into AMV’s for awhile now. The only reasoning I can give to it is that I like how a well constructed AMV flows almost perfectly with the theme and pace of the chosen music. This is where the idea for the Animated Music Video assignment came from, as I definitely think it is creative ...
  7. Justin Baker

    Collabo Assignment

    I had made this assignment awhile back while were still in the Audio phase of the class. However, I forgot to write up a blog post about it and only included a mention of it in my week summary. This being the case, I decided it would probably be a good idea to backtrack a ...
  8. Justin Baker

    My project is starting to come together.

    Now that I actually have the sub domain set up and themed appropriately, I am starting to feel that my project is coming together quite nicely. I was able to set up my new site , add a poll and upload my poster, which I may go back and edit given time. I decided that, in order to get participants, ...
  9. Justin Baker

    Final Project Discussion

    I spoke with Tiffany Hobbs about my project, and her project about Kinetic Typography. For her project I recommended that she settle on a direction on her general theme. I spoke to her about how difficult it would be to add in the theme and she said it wouldnt be that bad, so my suggestion ...
  10. Justin Baker

    Week 12 Recap

    This weeks assignments were pretty fun to do, although some combinations became challenging to figure out. Despite that, I was able to get all the stars finished ( as well as a few extra) and finish half of my project. Assignments: 1. Uncle Bob Meets Dorothy for the Postcard/Uncle Bob assignment.  (4 stars) 2. Emo Fish for ...
  11. Justin Baker

    Shane Walsh Hate Campaign Progress

    Step 2 out of 4 of my final project is finished, at least in the “beta phase”. I was able to make a smear campaign towards Ricks opponent, Shane. However, this video made me very frustrated and it didn’t turn out the exact way I wanted it. The original video had more content and the audio tracks were a ...
  12. Justin Baker

    Final Project Venting

    Ok, so I am getting pretty annoyed. I had my mudslinging video nearly finished when Windows Live Movie Maker decided that it wanted to not recognize certain clips in the video, even though they were originally fine. For some reason, it decided to blacken out the video for clips randomly, only it keeps the audio. ...
  13. Justin Baker

    Good ol’ Country Memory

    For my final assignment of the week, the remix gods asked me to combine a recorded memory and make it countrified. This was relatively simple since the directions called for edits such as adding a country music track to the video, which I did. I tried to edit an interesting introduction with the theme of ...
  14. Justin Baker

    Find the Changes

    I found this assignment entertaining, as I have played a ton of games with similiar themes (finding changes in pictures). For this assignment, I took from a course mate  and attempted to make slight changes and see if people can find them. http://rem...
  15. Justin Baker

    Final Project Progress

    I am finally starting to make some headway with this project. To recapp, I will be making a promotion video for Rick Grimes ( from the Walking Dead) for president as well as a mud-slinging promo towards Shane, an election poster and putting this all on a subdomain designated “Vote Rick”. I have been doing ...
  16. Justin Baker

    Emo Fish

    I lucked out and got another easy assignment to try out – or maybe I am just partial to photo editing. Either way, the concept behind this remix was pretty easy; take a common everyday object and make it emo. I was able to take the original fish photo from IMMODR8′s blog. From there I ...
  17. Justin Baker

    Uncle Bob Meets Dorthy

    My first remix assignment ended up being pretty simple. I had to combine the postcard assignment and incorporate “Uncle Bob” for a total of 4 stars. I made this by taking the existing piece from “The Weekly Update” and incorporating the following image   : ^^ This is Uncle Bob. He isn’t all there. Although I found this ...
  18. Justin Baker

    Final Project Idea

    I think I have finally come up with an idea for my final project, although some aspects of it may be a little difficult for me. I have recently been on a “Walking Dead” kick and have finished every episode except for the season 2 finale, since it wasn’t available on In case my ...
  19. Justin Baker

    Tutorial for working with audio levels.

    For my tutorial, I decided to show how someone would be able to work with the audio when combining a video with prior audio and a new audio track. An example of where this technique might come in handy is when we  were asked to make a mashup of two movie trailers. Say you combined ...
  20. Justin Baker


    For the last of my 30 stars, I decided to take on the One Archetype, Five Movies, Five Seconds assignment. This assignment did not take very long once I figured out what I wanted to work with, which, as you can tell from the title, was wizards! I took Clips from The Lord of The ...
  21. Justin Baker

    Blast to the Past

    (5 star assignment)  I actually had this assignment done for a little while, however I could not find the time to write my post about it until now. I had a little trouble with this assignment as Windows Live Movie Maker decided it wanted to randomly say the files I was working with wouldnt work ...
  22. Justin Baker

    Blast to the Past

    (5 star assignment)  I actually had this assignment done for a little while, however I could not find the time to write my post about it until now. I had a little trouble with this assignment as Windows Live Movie Maker decided it wanted to randomly say the files I was working with wouldnt work ...
  23. Justin Baker

    Jurassic Park in a 5 Second Nutshell

    (3 stars) Since last week became so rushed, I decided to try to wipe out as much of these assignments as I can, as early as I can. Without sacrificing quality that is. With that in mind, day 2 = assignment 2, 5 Second Film. I was trying to think of a movie or a ...
  24. Justin Baker

    The New Games

    ( 4 star)I had a lot of fun with this assignment. I had recently watched the movie The Hunger Games and loved it. Based on the descriptions in the book and their appearence in the movie, the “Capital” citizens and peace keeps (the police force) looked like aliens compared to the others. This gave me ...
  25. Justin Baker

    Week 9,10 and 11 Summary

    After alot of late nights, I was able to get all 15 stars worth of assignments as well as provide a tutorial. The break down follows: 1.  Video Essay 2.  Opening Credits Remake (Tutorial) 3. A Computer tutorial for my mother (having issues with the upload) 4. My Favorite DS106 Pieces.   Week 10 Assignments: ...
  26. Justin Baker

    5 Minute Movie Summary

    This assignment took a little more time than I thought it was going to. The hardest part was figuring out how I was going to summarize a 4 hour long movie in 5 minutes as well as finding the appropriate clips. However, after some  elbow greace and sprained finger tips, I was able to find ...
  27. Justin Baker


    (4 star) *For some reason the embedding link made the video very large and it gets cut off. To view the video, please click the video to go to the youtube location. Or click here.* For my first video assignment, I decided to relive an old classic – Flipper. I havent seen this movie in ...
  28. Justin Baker

    Week 8 Recap

    Daily Creates: I was able to get all three finished, even though I had some technical problems and a very hectic week. For assignment to record a video of what we love about DS106, my webcam was not working and the camera I was using was gone as well, forcing me to make it an ...
  29. Justin Baker

    My Favorite DS106 Pieces

    Since there has been a ton of work done in this class, there are a works of mine that I like more than others. I would prefer to have my nice pieces represented more than my bad ones, of course. This being the case, I decided to make a compilation of my favorite pieces. My ...
  30. Justin Baker

    Digital Age Momma

    My momma just recently got herself a laptop and I could not be more proud of her. I say this because as I was growing up, she had consistently refused any offer my dad or I had given her in regards to learning. I remember several occasions where she needed to get online to check ...

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