1. Glamorize your ride with a photograph worthy of its service to you- Seeing as I don’t have a car, motorcycle, bike, skateboard, skates or unicycle I guess I have to give the spotlight to my shoes.
2. Sometimes perfection is the enemy. Take a photo that represents a beautiful mess- Death the Kid is a character from the series Soul Eater. He is obsessed about every detail of his life being perfectly symmetrical and any instance that is not he will set out to correct it to the extent where he’ll vomit up blood trying. Even though he’s obsessed with symmetry oddly enough his hair is one of the key features about him and is not symmetrical. Kid considers this to be awful and falls into a spiraling depression when ever it is mentioned.
3. Sketch a place you’d rather be right now. Bonus points for color- Visit crudely drawn Japan today! We have some um what are those mountains? And what appears to be both doorless and windowless buildings? How on earth is that efficient? Well the apparent only torii in Japan looks nice at least.
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