Sometimes it’s hard to believe that I was part of the in[SPIRE] creative process. After a month of hard work and the tireless energy from Martha, Linda, and the rest of the ds106 clan the grand masterpiece is finally finished.
Initially, when developing my final project for ds106, I wanted to tell its story. I wanted to do this because ds06 had taken over my life, my twitter feed, and my homework. Yet, few people knew what I was talking about and never seemed to fully understand the jokes (ds106 newbs).
That’s when I had the idea to create a simplified way to share the connections, stories and inspirations from and within the ds106 community.
The design process snapped together quickly. I met with Linda who had the genius idea to design an interactive part cyborg, part human brain. However, we needed this idea to leave our brains and communicate it with the rest of the world or at least the rest of ds106.
Immediately the ds106 clan saw gold. Specifically they envisioned an independant site to feature the work of other ds106 pioneers and create a space for people to interact. BAM. In[SPIRE] was born.
From there, most of our meeting were figuring out the technical aspects of it. And when I say we, I really mean I watched Martha in awe as she buzzed around complex code until everything was just right. Without Martha, the submission form would still be a tedious and inaccessible.
For the last week I have been reliving good art and submitting my own inspirations. Now, the story of ds106 will unfold and continue to do so for future classes.
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