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A Little Magic

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No one really reads this blog, I hope. I am testing this. Let’s say we need to add some documentation here for doing email…

Registering Your Domain and Signing Up for Webhosting

This tutorial will take you through signing-up for both a domain and web hosting for the UMW Domains pilot project. If you haven’t selected a domain name yet please see the Selecting Your Domain Name article with some guidelines and recommendations.

Submitting Domain Name

Once you’ve decided what you domain name will be, go here. You’ll see the following screen:

UMW Domains Signup Illustration 2

Confirm Your Choice

Enter your chosen domain name in the provided field and click submit. After that you will be taken to a screen that will ask you to confirm your selection and click checkout.

Note: You can disregard all the “check out” and commercial language of transactions here, there will be no money changing hands. Just work your way through the process with that in mind.

UMW Domains Signup Illustration 3

Check Out

Once you click “Check Out” you will be directed to a page that will ask you to fill out your personal information. Please fill this out as completely as possible.

UMW Domains Signup Illustration 4

Enter Contact Information

When you have finished this click next and review your information and be sure to check the radio button indicating you have read and agree to the terms and conditions.

UMW Domains Signup Illustration 5

Confirmation Emails

After this you need to check the email address you signed-up with. There you should find two emails from [email protected] one with your contact information and the other with your account details and login links.

Note: make sure you check your junk mail folder. Also, if the emails don’t come immediately it could be a server issue, so have a bit of patience.

Contact Info Email

UMW Domains Signup Illustration 6

Account details and login links email

UMW Domains Signup Illustration 7

Logging In to UMW Domains

If you click on the login link in the email with account details you will be taken to the UMW Domains login area, enter the username and password you specified in the sign-up process

UMW Domains Signup Illustration 8

Plesk Dashboard

Once you logged in successfuly you will see the dashboard for Plesk, your web hosting space that officially makes you the sysadmin of your own education. BOOYA!

UMW Domains Signup Illustration 9

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