Touch the firehose of ds106, the most recent flow of content from all of the blogs syndicated into ds106. As of right now, there have been 92792 posts brought in here going back to December 2010. If you want to be part of the flow, first learn more about ds106. Then, if you are truly ready and up to the task of creating web art, sign up and start doing it.

  1. 8tcgyh

    Design Assignment #1: One Story, Four Icons

    Try And Guess My Favorite Movie! This movie and I go way, way back. All the way back to the year 2000. I was almost 9 years old at that time. The movie is based off a true story and is an incredible display of people of all races coming together during the difficult time […]
  2. 8tcgyh

    Weekly Summary #1

    DS106 WEEK 1 SUMMARY So far, this course has been a whirlwind of information, both fascinating and not. At first, I really struggled with how to tag the TCDs, etc. But, I think that I am starting to get the hang of it now. I know that this particular class does not leave much margin […]
  3. 8tcgyh

    Gardner Campbell: Personal Cyberinfrastructure Post

    Review of Gardner Campbell: His Thoughts on Education and His Idea of a Personal Cyberinfrastructure To begin, Gardner Campbell’s article, A Personal Cyberinfrastructure, brought several problems to my attention, while simultaneously interesting me by his perspective on the failures of education. After reading Campbell’s article and watching his presentation, I can honestly say that, as […]
  4. 8tcgyh

    ds106zone LoDown 001 Post

    Thoughts on Scott Lockman’s Scottlo Radio, Episode 1 I am typically a kinesthetic learner, so the concept of listening to a podcast multiple times a week, without any sort of visual aid or representation, sounded quite dull. Despite this, I began listening to Scottlo’s podcast with no expectations whatsoever. This is because I had literally […]
  5. 8tcgyh

    The Reality of China

    A Link to My Favorite 58 Moments in China Last June, I ventured to the distant and illusive Eastern hemisphere as an eager, yet amateur photographer. China became my life for the better part of a month. This is a collection of some of my favorite images from the trip. Shanghai, Chengdu, Xian, Beijing, Yangtze, […]
  6. 8tcgyh

    Bonus For Hippie Aura.

    “Self Portrait. Flashing A Peace Sign. Bonus For Hippie Aura” via New TDCs Every Day. [This is my Daily Create #4 for Week 1 of CPSC 106: Digital Storytelling.]
  7. 8tcgyh

    Visual Assignment #2: You’re Doing It Wrong

    Plain and Simple: You’re Doing It Wrong This photograph just so happens to be the perfect image for this visual assignment. As a senior, planning to graduate at the end of this second summer session (if all goes well with ds106!), I have done PLENTY of things wrong. For starters, I am beginning the lengthy […]
  8. 8tcgyh

    Visual Assignment #1: Shakespearean LOLcat

    The Kittens That Best Exemplify Shakespeare (And Why?) A very well-known and popular Shakespearean quote, paired with two adorable kittens playing in a ambiguously green, outdoor setting. The story behind this image begins with the chilly Fall evening when I found three young kittens walking timidly around the dumpster behind the restaurant I used to […]
  9. 8tcgyh

    The Dog Days Are Over

    The Dog Days Are Over Daily Create #2 Written by Hayley Eckhardt on June 24, 2014 6:00 pm From a sitting position, Sid relieved his front legs and stretched out on the wooden deck of the hotel. In the scorching heat, he lazily drank from a ceramic bowl of water that some kind lady had […]

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