Touch the firehose of ds106, the most recent flow of content from all of the blogs syndicated into ds106. As of right now, there have been 92792 posts brought in here going back to December 2010. If you want to be part of the flow, first learn more about ds106. Then, if you are truly ready and up to the task of creating web art, sign up and start doing it.

  1. a7xpetrock

    Week 3

    Here is a list of assignments I have accomplished for the 3rd week of my Digital Media Course. Daily Create Assignments: Along with those, I also did a blog post on our black history month poster assignments, going a little more indepth with them. Here’s the link: Personally, this has been an easy... Read more.
  2. a7xpetrock

    Black History Month

    My first idea for doing a Black history month poster would have to be with the famous and successful american photographer and filmmaker, Gordon Parks, who is from Fort Scott, Kansas. He was the first African american photographer for Life Magazine, wrote and adapted to film “The Learning Tree” as the first African american to direct a... Read more.
  3. a7xpetrock

    Week One Summary

    Well, I guess this is technically week two, but here is a summary of what I have down for the “First Week” of Digital Media. There are 3 blog posts below this that were done this past week, so be sure to check those out. – This is a link to one of my... Read more.
  4. a7xpetrock

    Black History Month Poster Ideas

    As an assignment for my Digital Media 1 class, we are supposed to research ten possible subjects that involve Black  History in Kansas. Below is a list of my ideas: Fort Hays State Historic Site Brown vs. Board of Education Buffalo Soldiers in Fort Larned Gordon Parks George Washington Carver Aaron Douglas Nicodemus, Kansas James... Read more.
  5. a7xpetrock

    I am from..

    I am from Mountain Dew from Television and Xbox. I am from the suburbs of Overland Park, from a quiet, uneventful neighborhood. I am from the earth, from technology and independence. I’m from Glen and Sandi, from respect and kindness, from the phrase, “Work hard, Play hard.” I’m from Kansas City, from barbecue and fountains. I’m from... Read more.
  6. a7xpetrock

    My Biggest fear..

    My biggest fear is standing up in front of a crowd of people and being required to speak in front of them. I do not like speaking or giving speeches formally. I can be much more comfortable doing informal talks, but just the thought of having to be in front of a group of people... Read more.

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