Touch the firehose of ds106, the most recent flow of content from all of the blogs syndicated into ds106. As of right now, there have been 92934 posts brought in here going back to December 2010. If you want to be part of the flow, first learn more about ds106. Then, if you are truly ready and up to the task of creating web art, sign up and start doing it.

  1. Abigail Andrews

    Going back to 2005 when YouTube first Started!

    Way Back Time Machine Using the Way Back Time Machine website on Internet Archive, take screen shots of a favorite website overtime.  Then, look at how the website has changed for better and worse.  Blog about what makes a website effective and how that changes. See some examples of sites like McDonald’s and Best Buy ...
  2. Abigail Andrews

    Susan B. Anthony in Social Media

    What They Might Have Done In Social Media Too bad Facebook was not around for most of history! Use the Fakebook tool to make a Facebook profile for a historical figure and make a fake tweet for the same character using the Twister tool.  See for Abraham Lincoln the example of a fake facebook profile ...
  3. Abigail Andrews

    Radio Show Review

    This is a radio show review of Road Trip Radio by a member of the ADAAM Radio Show: I unfortunately could not listen to RoadTrip radio live because had to meet for a different group project.  But I was able to listen to it in after it was posted on the ds106 website.  RoadTrip Radio ...
  4. Abigail Andrews

    Half-way there, Week 7 & 8 Summary

    6 daily creates:  I realized that from now on I can just post a link to my daily creates instead of embedding them both into my daily create summary page and weekly summary page.  I like how this week there was more time to do 6 daily creates.  Also now that I had time over ...
  5. Abigail Andrews

    Radio Show Reflection-Updated

    I think our radio show turned out really well.  Over fall break I made a radio bumper that I thought would go well with our show and I also recorded my part of the show.  These were some great tips for people of all ages.  I also threw in a couple of safety tips that ...
  6. Abigail Andrews

    6 Daily Creates for Weeks 7 & 8

    1. October 8, 2012: eXtreme edit.  Take a photo, then edit that photo to the eXtreme, making the photo eXtraordinary… Before Edit: After Edit: I have to say that I was really excited about todays Daily Create because over last week I have learned how to use photoshop online, and I’m happy that I get to ...
  7. Abigail Andrews

    Story Time With Green Eggs and Ham

    Seuss it Take a Dr. Seuss book, or perhaps the Berenstain Bears, or one of your own favorites, and read it to us. Give me your best Yertle the Turtle, or Lorax, or Mama Bear and have fun! This is a 3 star assignment For this assignment I picked Dr. Seuss’s Green Eggs and Ham.  This book has always ...
  8. Abigail Andrews

    Be Green Recycle Unused Media!

    Here are 4 media I have not yet used in assignments. 1. This file is called makingagiftake1ds106. This file is from week 2 from where we had to make a gif.  I did not end up using this gif because it was not exactly the way I wanted it to turn out.  After figuring out how to ...
  9. Abigail Andrews

    Make ‘em Laugh

    Make ‘em Laugh Find a good, brief joke in a language other than your mother tongue; if you don’t know any other languages this might be a good way to start learning. Record your voice telling the joke focusing on pronunciation and try to make it sound as natural as you can with appropriate vocal ...
  10. Abigail Andrews

    My Ringtone from 2 Songs

    Make Your Own Ringtone Using Audacity, trim, join end-to-end (cut/paste), and/or play side-by-side audio files in order to create your very own ringtone. Ringtones should be a maximum or 40 seconds to conserve phone memory (besides, most cell phones don’t ring longer than 30 seconds or so…the extra 10 seconds is just in case). Be ...
  11. Abigail Andrews

    Chipmunking Taylor Swift

    Mainstream Chipmunkd’ The object of this assignment is to take a mainstream artist and chipmunk them. As we reflect on our childhoods we realize that all the chipmunks were an awesome bunch and it is really easy to do this assignment. All you need is any kind of musical editing software like MIXXX and Virtual ...
  12. Abigail Andrews

    Weekly Summary Number 6

    Design Safari:  I had a lot of fun with this assignment.  I found a lot of examples of each element of design on the UMW campus.  The elements that I decided to focus on were color, typography, balance, rhythm, and metaphor/symbol.  I like how in this assignment I was able to take my time finding ...
  13. Abigail Andrews

    4 Daily Creates for Week 6!

    1. October 1, 2012:  Today is World Vegetarian Day-make a photo that celebrates this holiday. I am personally not a vegetarian but when I saw this daily create I decided for lunch that I would have something a vegetarian would have.  So I went to Seco and got some pasta and then I put tomato sauce ...
  14. Abigail Andrews

    Design Safari

    I had a lot of fun with this assignment!  To start with this assignment I read the assignment document and looked at found examples to give myself and idea of what I was looking for.  The elements I decided to focus on were color, typography, balance, rhythm, and metaphor/symbol. To do this assignment I took a walk on the ...
  15. Abigail Andrews

    Pintresting Me

    That’s Pinteresting : Create something that might look like the screenshot of someone’s Pinterest ( account. It could be that of a fictional character (Harry Potter might pin “how to get rid of scars” or maybe Princess Leia is pinning “Easy Bun Hairdos”) or just things you personally like. This assignment may make more sense to ...
  16. Abigail Andrews

    What People Think I Do

    What People Think I Do Create a “What People Think I Do” meme. This can be done for a very broad range of subjects so be creative! Be sure to use creative commons images our cite your post correctly. Feel free to use a What People Think I Do meme creator. This one I used ...
  17. Abigail Andrews

    Greetings From Hogwarts!

    Postcards From Magical Places Design the front and back of a postcard that might be sent from the location of a movie or a work of fiction. Both sides of the cards must be created as graphics. The front should use graphic design elements that provide a sense of place or use the classic motifs of ...
  18. Abigail Andrews

    The Hunger Games-Alternative Book Cover

    Alternative Book Cover Take a title of a well-known book and re-design the cover to suggest something entirely different. For example, the book cover for Cormac McCarthy’s The Road (an apocalyptic novel about a father and son facing the end of the world) is reframed as a feel-good book about effective parenting (see image). Original idea ...
  19. Abigail Andrews

    Marley & Me-the Real Truth to the Movie

    If Movie Posters Told the Truth Improve movie posters to make them more accurately reflect the content of the film. Inspired entirely by This is a 3 star assignment For this assignment I used the movie Marley & Me.  This movie came out during Christmas 2008 and is based on the book by John ...
  20. Abigail Andrews

    What? Week 5 Summary Already?

    Photoblitz Activity : I really enjoyed doing this activity.  It really got me to thinking about how to rearrange different objects to create photos.  I did this activity in my room where there was a lot of things that I could play around with and such.  I think the hardest picture for me to capture was to ...
  21. Abigail Andrews

    3 Daily Creates for Week 5

    1. September 26, 2012:  Bald is beautiful.  Photograph the egg head in your life. So I know already that the Daily Create is supposed to be something that you take a picture of that same day and all, but I honestly don’t know any bald people who live close enough to me that I can get their picture ...
  22. Abigail Andrews


    I had a lot of fun doing photoblitzing.  20 mintues went by really fast.  I chose to do this assignment in my dorm room,  where I have plenty of options of what to use in my photographs.  Also it was a place where I wouldn’t feel judged for scrambling together random ojects.  I decided to do this ...
  23. Abigail Andrews

    Visual Assignment: Common Everyday Object

    Common Everyday Object Take a picture of a common ever day object and manipulate the colors. This is a 2 star assignment. Before: After: For this picture I included my desk lamp and planner as well at some mini drawers that I keep pens and highlighters and other things in.  I feel like having more than one object ...
  24. Abigail Andrews

    Visual Assignment: When Unicorns Explode

    When Unicorns Explode Make a photo containing as MUCH color as HUMANLY possible. This should be a photo that in some way captures or embodies joy to you. This is a 1 star assignment. For this assignment I took a picture of my quilt on my bed.  I took this picture because I like the ...
  25. Abigail Andrews

    Visual Assignment: An Album Cover

    An Album Cover. So here’s something fun for everyone to do, should be quick and easy, but try to make it pretty. First, go here: The title of the article is now the name of your band. Next, go here: Go to the bottom of the page. The last four to five words ...
  26. Abigail Andrews

    Visual Assignment: Newspaper Blackout Poetry

    Newspaper Blackout Poetry Grab a marker and today’s morning edition and start blacking out sections to create a new story. It could be a poem, a picture, or a novella, all drawn from the words of the latest news. This is a 3 star assignment. Instead of a national newspaper I decided to choose the ...
  27. Abigail Andrews

    Visual Assignment: Splash The Color

    To start off my visual assignments for the week I started out with this on- Splash the Color (also the first of the reccommended assignments listed in the week 5 post): Color splash is a technique to emphasize details- you remove all color from a photo, and then restore original color to a single object, e.g. ...
  28. Abigail Andrews

    Best of Set Flickr

    Today I have been working on updating my flickr account.  I now have a more customized flickr URL:  and I have  figured out how to email photos to my flickr email account and they will automatically upload to my flickr photo stream.  I just uploaded a picture I took on the UMW campus a few days ago as a test ...

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