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  1. @AceInquisitor

    Scholarship Review: Character Interview

    The Write Practice website is filled with a plethora of helpful articles and interesting exercises for writers. As I am in the middle of National Novel Writing Month, I found one particular article very useful early on. Joe Bunting wrote an article titled “35 Questions to Ask Your Characters From Marcel Proust”.  Marcel Proust was … Continue reading Scholarship Review: Character Interview
  2. @AceInquisitor

    Scholarship Review: Narrative Planning, Balancing Plot and Character

    Mark Riedl and R. Young wrote up a piece in the Journal of Artificial Intelligence Research about the automated creation of narrative and how the difficulties of believably in plot and character made its creation hard to achieve. Many times, the automated process would be able to string out sequences of events, but the motivations … Continue reading Scholarship Review: Narrative Planning, Balancing Plot and Character
  3. @AceInquisitor

    Narrative Architects vs Storytellers: Game Designers and Story

    For this scholarship review, I looked at an article from Henry Jenkins titled Game Design as Narrative Architecture. In it, Henry Jenkins and Jon McKenzie respond to one another’s ideas about Game Designers and storytellers. In order to categorize gaming narrative into storytelling or not, we needed to define what we consider as storytelling versus narrative. … Continue reading Narrative Architects vs Storytellers: Game Designers and Story
  4. @AceInquisitor

    Passion Creates Mastery: Chapter 7 Response

    In Chapter 7, various social learning theories and their contexts within our 21st century climate are discussed. They talk about two versions of social learning that came before what they are explaining, observational learning and normative goal learning. Both of these combine into the learning type that they explain as being formed from authentic activity. It … Continue reading Passion Creates Mastery: Chapter 7 Response
  5. @AceInquisitor

    Exploring the Boundaries of Narrative: Scholarship Review

    In my ongoing series of scholarship having to deal with video games as a respectable medium for storytelling, I found an article from the National Council of Teachers of English titled Exploring the Boundaries of Narrative: Video Games in the English Classroom. The article talks about a teacher’s journey in utilizing video games for teaching … Continue reading Exploring the Boundaries of Narrative: Scholarship Review
  6. @AceInquisitor

    Audio Assignment

    For the Audio Assignment, I chose the one that asked me to slow down a song by 800%. It becomes this sort of ethereal mess at 800%, but it does sound good. I chose a Taylor Swift song, because I had the mp3 on hand from one of my classes. Enjoy  
  7. @AceInquisitor

    The Last Bastion: Digital Story Critique

    Blizzard, the multimillion dollar company behind the popular video game World of Warcraft released a new video game this year, titled Overwatch. In this exclusively multiplayer game, teams of six complete objectives while trying to take down the opposing team. Currently, there are 22 playable characters, all with particular backstories, abilities, and personalities. In order … Continue reading The Last Bastion: Digital Story Critique

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