Touch the firehose of ds106, the most recent flow of content from all of the blogs syndicated into ds106. As of right now, there have been 92792 posts brought in here going back to December 2010. If you want to be part of the flow, first learn more about ds106. Then, if you are truly ready and up to the task of creating web art, sign up and start doing it.

  1. @AceInquisitor

    (Response) Branching Narratives: Games to Novels, How to Involve the Reader.

      Paul Nelson, a passionate writer and blogger, wrote up a short article, one in a series of nineteen, titled Designing Branching Narrative. In it, he explores how deep and intricate writing for branching narratives can be, and gives a lot of resources to make the process easier. Quite a few of these involve coding … Continue reading (Response) Branching Narratives: Games to Novels, How to Involve the Reader.
  2. @AceInquisitor

    Hide Your Face, So the World Will Never Find You: Digital Story Critique.

    Person. From the Greek word Persona, meaning Mask. This week I chose a very interesting short story on Youtube called Identity. There are just a few lines of dialogue, but the video tells the story of a young high school girl who finds an identity for herself. The story is simple, everyone that the girl … Continue reading Hide Your Face, So the World Will Never Find You: Digital Story Critique.
  3. @AceInquisitor

    Bullying and Verbal Violence in Schools: A Digital Story Critique

    Shane Koyczan in 2013 put up a spoken word poem titled To This Day on Youtube that was animated by over 40 individuals drawing attention to the rampant bullying in schools and how it has long lasting effects on its victims. The short 7 minute video tells the story of three individuals who suffered from bullying in … Continue reading Bullying and Verbal Violence in Schools: A Digital Story Critique
  4. @AceInquisitor

    Reflection on Visual Networks: Flickr and Photosharing (chp 4)

    This week’s reflection is over Guy Merchant’s ‘Visual Networks and Photosharing’ chapter. Something I took away from the chapter is that it attracted me that he wrote up the whole twenty or so pages all focused on Flickr, using an enormous amount of examples and even taught you how to use the photosharing site step … Continue reading Reflection on Visual Networks: Flickr and Photosharing (chp 4)
  5. @AceInquisitor

    Emerging Content for Digital Storytelling: Response

    For this response piece, I choose a blog post from the Ceros website. Ceros is a digital content creation website that hosts tools for design much like Adobe. Ashley Anderson wrote up an article that seemed interesting to me, titled 4 Emerging Interactive Content Types for Digital Storytelling. While much of the article was pandering … Continue reading Emerging Content for Digital Storytelling: Response
  6. @AceInquisitor

    The New Literacies: How Fanfiction, Vlogs, and Podcasts are changing our World.

    Colin Lankshear & Michele Knobe write in the first chapter of this collection about how the idea literacy is actually such an expansive concept that is ever evolving in our digital age. The piece goes over the definitions of literacy and how they use it in the discussion, but was really summed up in this quote. … Continue reading The New Literacies: How Fanfiction, Vlogs, and Podcasts are changing our World.

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