Touch the firehose of ds106, the most recent flow of content from all of the blogs syndicated into ds106. As of right now, there have been 92868 posts brought in here going back to December 2010. If you want to be part of the flow, first learn more about ds106. Then, if you are truly ready and up to the task of creating web art, sign up and start doing it.

  1. Aliyah Jameer

    Say bye bye :(

    Today marks the end of my days as an undergraduate at the University of Mary Washington.  I finished my last exam at 11:45 am, which was in Hydrogeology.  It was a tough one and I hope I pass or else bad news for me.  I have a few last minute assignments that I need complete …

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  2. Aliyah Jameer

    Say bye bye :(

    Today marks the end of my days as an undergraduate at the University of Mary Washington.  I finished my last exam at 11:45 am, which was in Hydrogeology.  It was a tough one and I hope I pass or else bad news for me.  I have a few last minute assignments that I need complete …

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  3. Aliyah Jameer

    Say bye bye :(

    Today marks the end of my days as an undergraduate at the University of Mary Washington.  I finished my last exam at 11:45 am, which was in Hydrogeology.  It was a tough one and I hope I pass or else bad news for me.  I have a few last minute assignments that I need complete …

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  4. Aliyah Jameer

    The story ends

    It is difficult for me to say, but my journey with the Bhangra team here at Mary Wash has ended. *Sigh* William and Mary’s Born 2 Bhangra was my last performance with the wonderful people on the team.  I am really going to miss them!  Bhangra has given me a lot of opportunities especially the chance to …

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  5. Aliyah Jameer

    The story ends

    It is difficult for me to say, but my journey with the Bhangra team here at Mary Wash has ended. *Sigh* William and Mary’s Born 2 Bhangra was my last performance with the wonderful people on the team.  I am really going to miss them!  Bhangra has given me a lot of opportunities especially the chance to …

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  6. Aliyah Jameer

    The story ends

    It is difficult for me to say, but my journey with the Bhangra team here at Mary Wash has ended. *Sigh* William and Mary’s Born 2 Bhangra was my last performance with the wonderful people on the team.  I am really going to miss them!  Bhangra has given me a lot of opportunities especially the chance to …

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  7. Aliyah Jameer

    It was a success!!

    Yesterday, Saturday the 23rd, Mary Washington’s Bhangra team went to William and Mary to perform at their Born to Bhangra show.  We were the fourth team to perform and we were psyched.  Pumped, ready to take to the stage! Guess what! They played our intro video.  My friend and I really wanted to see the expressions on peoples faces …

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  8. Aliyah Jameer

    It was a success!!

    Yesterday, Saturday the 23rd, Mary Washington’s Bhangra team went to William and Mary to perform at their Born to Bhangra show.  We were the fourth team to perform and we were psyched.  Pumped, ready to take to the stage! Guess what! They played our intro video.  My friend and I really wanted to see the expressions on peoples faces …

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  9. Aliyah Jameer

    It was a success!!

    Yesterday, Saturday the 23rd, Mary Washington’s Bhangra team went to William and Mary to perform at their Born to Bhangra show.  We were the fourth team to perform and we were psyched.  Pumped, ready to take to the stage! Guess what! They played our intro video.  My friend and I really wanted to see the expressions on peoples faces …

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  10. Aliyah Jameer

    Advice to Future DS106ers

    Dear fellow students who plan on taking DS106: Let me first start by saying that even though this class is a 100 level, the work load is above and beyond 100, maybe beyond 1,000 etc.  This is not to say that the assignments are difficult, but they are very time consuming.  Definitely consider the number …

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  11. Aliyah Jameer

    Advice to Future DS106ers

    Dear fellow students who plan on taking DS106: Let me first start by saying that even though this class is a 100 level, the work load is above and beyond 100, maybe beyond 1,000 etc.  This is not to say that the assignments are difficult, but they are very time consuming.  Definitely consider the number …

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  12. Aliyah Jameer

    Advice to Future DS106ers

    Dear fellow students who plan on taking DS106: Let me first start by saying that even though this class is a 100 level, the work load is above and beyond 100, maybe beyond 1,000 etc.  This is not to say that the assignments are difficult, but they are very time consuming.  Definitely consider the number …

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  13. Aliyah Jameer

    Writing Assignment

    I decided to try the haiku writing assignment posted by anagahama.  I browsed the DailyShoot Assignments and found this picture, by colin.jagoe.  I think the way the picture was taken makes the tree look like it is sideways, or at least that’s what I thought at first.  Here is what I came up with: Bark stretches over Shadow in …

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  14. Aliyah Jameer

    Writing Assignment

    I decided to try the haiku writing assignment posted by anagahama.  I browsed the DailyShoot Assignments and found this picture, by colin.jagoe.  I think the way the picture was taken makes the tree look like it is sideways, or at least that’s what I thought at first.  Here is what I came up with: Bark stretches over Shadow in …

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  15. Aliyah Jameer

    Writing Assignment

    I decided to try the haiku writing assignment posted by anagahama.  I browsed the DailyShoot Assignments and found this picture, by colin.jagoe.  I think the way the picture was taken makes the tree look like it is sideways, or at least that’s what I thought at first.  Here is what I came up with: Bark stretches over Shadow in …

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  16. Aliyah Jameer

    Update Final Project

    This past weekend my friend and I really buckled down with getting footage for our intro video.  We used my Nikon COOLPIX L11 to record. I set it to the highest movie quality allowed, hopefully this will make a difference.  One of my fears is that when our video is projected on a large screen, …

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  17. Aliyah Jameer

    Update Final Project

    This past weekend my friend and I really buckled down with getting footage for our intro video.  We used my Nikon COOLPIX L11 to record. I set it to the highest movie quality allowed, hopefully this will make a difference.  One of my fears is that when our video is projected on a large screen, …

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  18. Aliyah Jameer

    Update Final Project

    This past weekend my friend and I really buckled down with getting footage for our intro video.  We used my Nikon COOLPIX L11 to record. I set it to the highest movie quality allowed, hopefully this will make a difference.  One of my fears is that when our video is projected on a large screen, …

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  19. Aliyah Jameer

    Mashup of a different sort

    When I first started brainstorming ideas for this mashup assignment, I was thinking of mixing audio for movie trailers, or swapping audio from the tsunami newscast with a rainstormweather report.  But I thought the second would be inappropriate for the number of times the tsunami has hit Japan already.  So then I thought about my relationship …

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  20. Aliyah Jameer

    Mashup of a different sort

    When I first started brainstorming ideas for this mashup assignment, I was thinking of mixing audio for movie trailers, or swapping audio from the tsunami newscast with a rainstormweather report.  But I thought the second would be inappropriate for the number of times the tsunami has hit Japan already.  So then I thought about my relationship …

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  21. Aliyah Jameer

    Mashup of a different sort

    When I first started brainstorming ideas for this mashup assignment, I was thinking of mixing audio for movie trailers, or swapping audio from the tsunami newscast with a rainstormweather report.  But I thought the second would be inappropriate for the number of times the tsunami has hit Japan already.  So then I thought about my relationship …

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  22. Aliyah Jameer

    Eagle Bhangra Intro Vid

    I have been working on creating an introduction video for the bhangra team as my final project assignment.  One of my close friends is helping me with this.  We have created a list of all the different video and camera shots we would like to take.   For example: we want to film the team practicing somewhere on campus,  individual …

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  23. Aliyah Jameer

    Eagle Bhangra Intro Vid

    I have been working on creating an introduction video for the bhangra team as my final project assignment.  One of my close friends is helping me with this.  We have created a list of all the different video and camera shots we would like to take.   For example: we want to film the team practicing somewhere on campus,  individual …

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  24. Aliyah Jameer

    Eagle Bhangra Intro Vid

    I have been working on creating an introduction video for the bhangra team as my final project assignment.  One of my close friends is helping me with this.  We have created a list of all the different video and camera shots we would like to take.   For example: we want to film the team practicing somewhere on campus,  individual …

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  25. Aliyah Jameer

    What I came up with

    As I was working on our latest assignment, I ran into a few problems.  Luckily I did not panic.  At first, I did not remember how to locate the aspects of the page I wanted to change.  When I did remember (right click- Inspect Element) I took my time to change titles, descriptions etc. Then I …

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  26. Aliyah Jameer

    What I came up with

    As I was working on our latest assignment, I ran into a few problems.  Luckily I did not panic.  At first, I did not remember how to locate the aspects of the page I wanted to change.  When I did remember (right click- Inspect Element) I took my time to change titles, descriptions etc. Then I …

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  27. Aliyah Jameer

    What I came up with

    As I was working on our latest assignment, I ran into a few problems.  Luckily I did not panic.  At first, I did not remember how to locate the aspects of the page I wanted to change.  When I did remember (right click- Inspect Element) I took my time to change titles, descriptions etc. Then I …

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