Touch the firehose of ds106, the most recent flow of content from all of the blogs syndicated into ds106. As of right now, there have been 92792 posts brought in here going back to December 2010. If you want to be part of the flow, first learn more about ds106. Then, if you are truly ready and up to the task of creating web art, sign up and start doing it.

  1. @batchelorolive

    Brace Yourself: Week 7 Reflective Summary

    This post will be the last of my weekly reflective summaries. Next week I will be posting a much longer reflection, but it will focus on the entire course rather than just a 7 day increment. I am very excited at the prospect, but am slightly disappointed to be ending my current (weekly) narratives. I […]
  2. @batchelorolive

    Catching my breath: Week 6 Reflective Summary

    The worst and the best thing possible both happened this week. I felt myself getting extremely fatigued, but I managed to power through it. Overall, Week 6 has been very challenging and rewarding. I am continuing to develop my knowledge of digital storytelling, technological literacies, and my ability to have fun being busier than I’ve […]
  3. @batchelorolive

    Stacked Ads: Week 6 Digital Story Critique

    From the wonderful people at Jonesboro Library comes a particularly catching library outreach poster: I was very pleased to come across this Photoshop remix example. True story: it happened BY ACCIDENT! I suppose happenstance is a force that often leads us to some of the best ideas. After a careful examination (in which I carefully reviewed the […]
  4. @batchelorolive

    John Jacob Astor is a Mean S.O.B.: DS106 Assignment for Week 6

    My personal criteria for completing this weeks DS106 Assignment are as follows: Pick something that will enhance your technological skill set and digital literacies. Pick something that can be made relevant to my digital storytelling theme of “Libraries and Librarians”. I’ve mentioned these traits as desirable ones in all my previous assignments, but my freedom […]
  5. @batchelorolive

    Stuff I read and what I think about it: Week 4 Reading Response

    Stuff I read: Davies and Merchant (2007) Ch8: Looking From the Inside Out: Academic Blogging as New Literacy Jon Becker:Open Faculty Development Mike Caulfield: Simon’s Watchmakers and the Future of Courseware Sean Michael Morris:Teaching in our Right Minds: Critical Digital Pedagogy and the Response to the New George Siemens:The Future of Learning: Digital, Distributed, Data-Driven The […]

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