Touch the firehose of ds106, the most recent flow of content from all of the blogs syndicated into ds106. As of right now, there have been 92856 posts brought in here going back to December 2010. If you want to be part of the flow, first learn more about ds106. Then, if you are truly ready and up to the task of creating web art, sign up and start doing it.

  1. bellekid

    The Best Part of The Super Bowl is the Food…

    I only like three things about the Super Bowl; the food, the commercials, and Super Saturday, when there is traditionally a big UFC event. This was my third and final year spent watching the big game at the Underground during the University Programming Council’s annual Super Bowl party. We always get a ton of food ...
  2. bellekid

    Daily Creates: (January 28-February 3)

    Monday, January 28: Make a blue screen of death using type only Tuesday, January 29: Draw a picture of a new invention. Wednesday, January 30: Finish this sentence: “My biggest fear is…” Why I’m afraid of fish… My biggest fear in the world is fish. That is right, I am terrified of fish, animals that many ...
  3. bellekid

    Bagman and Bad Eggs, the best of #ds106?

    This week, we were instructed to look at some of the best work from previous ds106ers, both from last semester and in[SPIRE]. I struggled to see the ‘story’ in some of the works I was given to look at, but eventually settled on the Good Eggs Gone Rotten by Captain Markish and Bagman Says a Tongue Twister ...
  4. bellekid

    The Shape of GIRLS and Digital Stories…

    After watching a video explaining Kurt Vonnegut’s idea of the ‘Shape of Stories‘ and looking at the infographic that Maya Eliam made using his theory, I decided to look at the television series, GIRLS, and see what shape the first three episodes of the second season would take on. While I knew that there would be ...
  5. bellekid

    Sew, What is Storytelling?

    (An image from Little Wheel) What is storytelling? To discuss this, we first need to first look at what a story is. To me, a story can be a number of things, sometimes with a beginning and ending, which convey a message. They can be fictional or non fictional and can be created by a number of ...
  6. bellekid

    The Mysterious City: A Story in 5 Photos

    Five Card Story: The Mysterious City a Five Card Flickr story created by bellekid flickr photo by Serenae flickr photo by Serenae flickr photo by cogdogblog flickr photo by bionicteaching flickr photo by bionicteaching I love nothing more than urban exploration so when I was given the chance to get on a flight to a ...
  7. bellekid

    Making GIFs is sew fun!

    Last week, we were assigned to make a gif of a movie we loved for ds106 and while working on the assignment, I decided to start looking for more video clips that I could turn into GIFs. When it came time to post my Weekly Summary on Sunday night, I wanted to add some more ...
  8. bellekid

    I survived ds106 Bootcamp!

    When I was given the assignments for this week, I felt as if I was already ahead of the curve in a way. I had started customizing my blog last week and chose the Patchwork theme by Caroline Moore this week, I made a few fixes so that it would look even better, starting with ...
  9. bellekid

    Daily Creates: (January 21-27)

    Monday January 21: Take a photo of the ONE thing you MUST see, do, eat, hear, etc. everyday! Tuesday January 22: Submit a favorite monologue from a movie with every third word removed. Halloween from Rent How did we get here? How the hell, pan left, close on the steeple of the church How did ...
  10. bellekid

    Making a very Enchanted GIF.

    When given the assignment to “Make an animated gif from your favorite/least favorite movie capturing the essence of a key scene. Make sure the movement is minimal but essential.” I immediately knew what I wanted to do. I fell in love with Enchanted the first time I saw it, in part because of the many ...
  11. bellekid

    Surviving week one of ds106

    If I had listened to my friends, I would not have survived week one of ds106 boot camp, in fact I would not be in the class at all. After all  who really wants to take 17 credits their final semester when they only need three classes to graduate? Apparently I do, and when it came ...
  12. bellekid

    Daily Creates (January 15-20)

    Tuesday, January 15: Find nearest over-looked everyday object. Fabricate a story about it being a key part of your childhood. Wednesday, January 16: Take a picture of your favorite thing in the world to do, no matter how simple or complex. Thursday, January 17: Draw a picture of one of the first memories you have ...
  13. bellekid

    Hello ds106ers!

    Greetings to everyone in ds106 land! I’m bellekid and contrary to what my avatar looks like, I am not in fact a duck. The duck you see is Cohen, named after Andy Cohen of Bravo’s Watch What Happens Live! one of my four amazing Peking ducks. Cohen along with Katniss Everduck, Gus, and RuPaul Charles aka Rue. I ...

ds106 in[SPIRE]