Touch the firehose of ds106, the most recent flow of content from all of the blogs syndicated into ds106. As of right now, there have been 92751 posts brought in here going back to December 2010. If you want to be part of the flow, first learn more about ds106. Then, if you are truly ready and up to the task of creating web art, sign up and start doing it.

  1. bellekid

    Goodbye ds106: Week 15

    I did it, I’m done. I’m graduating in a week or so and I’m basically done with ds106. I’ve done a lot this semester and I’ve loved every minute of it. Early in the semester in Week 3, I said that Digital Storytelling “encompasses these new modern ways of storytelling. Digital Storytelling involves using technology […]
  2. bellekid

    NPH and the Search For Color

    I went to bed last night and everything was ok. The world was at peace, the twins were happy and sleeping well and David was at my side. This morning I woke up to gray… NPH and the Search for Color from bellekid on Vimeo. I went to the doctor to try to figure out […]
  3. bellekid

    NPH: The Interview

      I’m glad it’s over. Color is back in my life. All is good in the world once again…   For my final part of NPH and the Search for Color, I chose to do the Storytelling Within The Web and use Hackasarus to modify a webpage. I had originally planned on modifying Twitter but […]
  4. bellekid

    Manah Manah!

    The color is back in my life. I am not sure why are how. Perhaps it will always be a mystery…   I could not remember how to make a gif when I started my work on the Muppet GIFs assignment and was struggling when I decided to take a look at the post I […]
  5. bellekid

    The Twins Have Color…

    David and I took the Twins to the park after I went to the Doctor. Nothing was wrong from David’s perspective. The Twins were in color but nothing else was… After doing Color Splash earlier in the semester, I really wanted to revisit it for this assignment.To do this, I opened up Gimp and imported […]
  6. bellekid

    A Visit to the Doctor…

    NPH and the Search for Color from bellekid on Vimeo. I went to the doctor to try to figure out what was wrong with me. Was it my mind or had all color drained from the world? Was I going crazy? Was I going blind? Was it my Trouser Weasel playing tricks on me?   […]
  7. bellekid

    Technicolor Life: A Six Word Memoir

    I went to bed last night and everything was ok. The world was at peace, the twins were happy and sleeping well and David was at my side. This morning I woke up to gray…   The first part of NPH and the Search for Color is a Six Word Memoir, stating “My life was once […]
  8. bellekid

    YouTube is the Devil, Video: Weeks 11-12

    This week, I learned to hate YouTube. I did not mean to end up hating YouTube, it just happened. After uploading two of this week’s videos and getting copyright violation notices, which I then fought due to Fair Use, I logged into YouTube to discover I had been sent to YouTube’s Copyright School. Copyright school […]
  9. bellekid

    The Rebirth of Owen Harper

    The Rebirth of Owen Harper from bellekid on Vimeo. When I set out to do the Return To The Silent Era assignment, I did not plan to include fanservice in my video, but as I started working on my title cards, I knew that it had to be done. As a Torchwood fan, I know that one […]
  10. bellekid

    Can’t Hold Us Puppets!

    This week I got to combine two of my current favorite pieces of media, Neil’s Puppet Dreams and Macklemore’s music. These worked well together, I discovered, when doing the Four-Star Watching Movies With The Stereo On assignment. To do the assignment, I used KeepVid to download NPH & JOE MANGANIELLO crash DAVID BURTKA’S DREAM BUMP ...
  11. bellekid

    Chaplin Foley Remix!

    This week, we were tasked with remixing some of the previous work of ourselves and other students from the Chaplin Foley assignment from weeks 6-7 and using them to remake the Charlie Chaplin clip for the Charlie Chaplin Foley Artist assignment. I chose to remake the clip using a mix of sounds from my classmates, trying ...
  12. bellekid

    5 Girls Who Kick Ass…

    For the 3.5 star One Archetype, Five Movies, Five Seconds this week, I chose to focus on the archetype of females who kick ass. I’d worked on this assignment when I was doing the preplanning last week. My video features snippets from New The Hunger Games Trailer Official 2012 [HD] – Jennifer Lawrence by clevvertv ...
  13. bellekid

    Reading Films: Week 10

    I’m not going to lie. I’m not the biggest fan of film or videos. I’m not a movie person. Sure, I watch films on occasion but I strongly prefer live theatre over filmed media and television programs over movies. That being said, I knew that this week may be a bit of a struggle, and ...
  14. bellekid

    Daily Creates: March 25-31

    Thursday, March 28, 2013: Take a photo of an unexpected object found in the earth (think secret treasures!)   Saturday, March 30, 2013: Draw a picture of the best present you ever gave or received.
  15. bellekid

    Prepping for Video Work…

    One Archetype, Five Movies, Five Seconds To prep for the One Archetype, Five Movies, Five Seconds assignment I first had to pick an archetype, which is easier said than done. Many of my ideas were too specific but I eventually settled on the “Badass Female” archetype, which is something I’ve studied a little bit being ...
  16. bellekid

    Life Hacks as a YouTube Genera

    After examining movie generas this week, we were asked to look at this list of YouTube Generas and either add an example to a previously listed one or to add one of our own. I am not a huge fan of YouTube but when I watch videos on the site, they tend to be clips ...
  17. bellekid

    Diving further into The Social Network

    After my analysis of a clip from The Social Network, I was asked to look more indepth at the film. On IMDB I discovered the following facts: The Winklevoss twins were played by Armie Hammer and Josh Pence, Hammer played Cameron and Pence played Tyler. Hammer was shot speaking all of Tyler’s lines and during post ...
  18. bellekid

    A Look at The Social Network…

    For our Look, Analyze, Listen assignment this week, I chose to watch a clip from The Social Network, which I saw shortly after its release in 2010. The first time I saw it, I hated it. I just did not get why it was getting rave reviews. I chose to revisit it for this assignment ...
  19. bellekid

    The Internet is Like a Quilt: Week 9

    This week, we finally premiered our Digital Dynamite radio show, and I couldn’t be happier with the result. You can find my evaluation of the show here along with my evaluation of the show from The Fifth dimension, both of which can be listened to in this post on the ds106 main site. I was able ...
  20. bellekid

    Daily Creates: March 18-24

    This week, we were tasked with incorporating our Daily Creates together to make a story. Knowing this at the onset, I chose to focus on the character of Bagman, created by Brian Short for ds106, and theme my Daily Creates around him. This resulted in Waiting for Bagman. Tuesday, March 19 2013: Take/Create a photo of a license ...
  21. bellekid

    Radio Show Reviews

    Digital Dynamite While I knew that our radio show would be great, I was amazed and just how great it was. All of our segments were cohesive and used interesting and proper sound effects. The sewing machine sounds which were recorded while I was sewing on my serger sounded better than I thought that they ...
  22. bellekid

    Translation Fail…

    Today I leared that my favorite baseball team, the New York Mets once played at Shay’s 84380 Radium. Knowing the history of the Mets, I can assure you that they never played at a nuclear site, or anything like it. That failed translation was one of many I found when translating the page for ...
  23. bellekid

    Horse/Man spotted during Hurricane Sandy!

    I was not sure what I wanted to do for the 4-star YouTube it Your Way web assignment but as I was going through videos on YouTube, I found that I had favorited this video of  a guy jogging while wearing a horsemask during Hurricane Sandy and decided to base my assignment around that. I ...
  24. bellekid

    Stitching together Audio… Weeks 6-7

    I survived Audio Week! I’m not a huge fan of doing audio, but it was neat to experiment with. I found myself using both Audacity and GarageBand depending on what audio I needed to do and relied heavily on Voice Memos on my iPod Touch to record audio as I have noticed that my Macbook likes ...
  25. bellekid

    Daily Creates (February 25-March 17)

    Thursday,February 28, 2013: Pick a vowel. Write a one paragraph story avoiding words that contain that vowel. I can’t be a Unicorn… I am an ant. I am a bird. I am a wasp. I am a cat, a dog, a frog, a fish in a pond. I am alive. I breathe. I am not a ...
  26. bellekid

    Why We Need to Have A Kiki… SongTag Story Style

    I really liked the SongTag assignment that I found but when I started crafting mine, I realized that I was creating a story basically, so I decided to make a new assignment, based off of the StoryTag assignment. For my SongTag Story, I used some of my favorite guilty pleasure music to craft a story ...
  27. bellekid

    Foley work…

    When I was little, I briefly wanted to be a Foley Artist. This assignment has changed my ideas of how easy I thought that it would be. It was tricky. I was assigned 1:31-2:00 from this clip and made all of my sounds using my voice and body. I recorded them in one take with Voice Memos ...

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