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Horse/Man spotted during Hurricane Sandy!

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I was not sure what I wanted to do for the 4-star YouTube it Your Way web assignment but as I was going through videos on YouTube, I found that I had favorited this video of  a guy jogging while wearing a horsemask during Hurricane Sandy and decided to base my assignment around that.

Horse original-tiff

I decided to make the horsemask guy a Horse/Human hybrid and through the page implied that he was not the only one but that sightings of them were rare. Using X-Ray Goggles, I changed the names of all of the related videos on the page as well as the names of their submitters along with the names of all commenters and their comments in order to tell the story. I made Horse/Man into a bit of a superhero, with some people raving over him and others looking at him in awe.

This is the final result. The Horse/Man sighting video!
hhorseman redo-tiff

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