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  1. bhavis

    Why as a Marketer I ask for Data?

    How to approach your target audience?
    Where would you find your TG?
    When can you connect with your TG?
    How much budget I allocate for a Digital campaign?
    What is the idea cost per user acquisition?
    Best bid for CTC/CTR/CPM?

    ….and many more questions haunt a marketers mind.

    In a traditional & conventional marketing scenarios, all these questions where answered with a vague amount of guess, prediction, case studies, intuition, assumption, try & error mechanism.

    Well, in todays time with so much investment in big data analytics, marketers are on the right track when they decide to use a targeted and intentional approach to analysing their data. Big Data has become a marketing buzzword. All that marketers need to do is ask the right set of questions to get measurable results.

    As a marketer we have access to social media analytics data, sales date, internet searches, cookies, CRM, thus we should ask some interesting questions to Big Data:

    Which is the untapped market segment?
    Nike saw big data as a portal into an entirely new market. As strong as Nike’s position has been, the “just do it” inspiration of its brand and the quality of its products was likely not enough to strengthen and grow its highly valuable and profitable customer relationships in the future. The data and information streaming from performance tracking and health monitoring wearables was potentially more valuable, providing a closer, more sustainable and constant connection to customers (not to mention loads of high-value data). Big data – a great complement to Nike’s current product portfolio and market positioning was both the ends and means of Nike’s innovation into a new market

    When are consumers leaving us?
    When T-Mobile set out to decrease its churn rates, it looked to big data to tell the story of customers who jumped ship and went to another company. The company noticed that customers who left shared similar behaviours across billing cycles, web logs, and social media channels.
    Having identified several markers as risk factors, the company was able to effectively intervene when some of these markers popped up, decreasing churn rate within a quarter.

    How effective is our social media?
    Whirlpool, the largest manufacturer of home appliances, wanted to discover what their customers and consumers were saying about their products and services on social media platforms.They used Big Data to monitor and analysis conversations across popular channels such as Facebook, Twitter, and Youtube, review and blogger sites, and mainstream news. Analytics findings were incorporated into Whirlpool’s decision models to accurately predict customer churn, loyalty, and satisfaction. This process enabled the company to listen, respond, and measure on a scale unobtainable by manual methods. The results revealed that Whirlpool improved its understanding of its overall business. There was increased satisfaction, faster responsiveness, and overall, more satisfied experiences with customers. 

    Do our customers want us?
    Finding the commonality in what your customers like can be eye-opening and can prevent you from making big investments in products or services that no one is interested in. Netflix proved this point when it optioned the wildly successful series "House of Cards."
    Execs weren't originally sure whether to move on the series or not. Sure, it was good, but would Netflix audiences like it? Luckily, Netflix had more than enough data at its disposal to help make a pretty educated guess. Do viewers like Kevin Spacey? Yes. Do they watch gripping, cynical political dramas? Yes. Do viewers watch material like this all the way through? Yes! Then, does it follow that they will like this series? Yes! And so it is that "House of Cards" fans have big data to thank for hours of enjoyable TV watching.

    How effective is you're marketing?
    Nissan have a whole host of localised websites designed to help consumers determine which Nissan is ideal for them. They wanted to go further than just simply measuring conversions, but instead delve into the car types, models and colours that customers had been looking at online.

    They did this through a ‘request form’ that a potential customer has to fill out following their completion of a brochure or test drive request. By aggregating these data points from individual customers, Nissan were able to paint a vivid picture as to the vehicles which were in demand throughout a particular region – this means that advertising campaigns and production can be tailored to suit the needs of a region instead of just a country as a whole.

    What will WOW a customer & gain a competitive edge?
    It’s hard to talk about analytics success stories and not mention Amazon. They were one of the early adopters and are the only company that have a patent that allows them to ship goods before an order has even been placed. Their ‘customers who bought this…’ feature was revolutionary at the time, but compared to the company’s current offerings, it pales into insignificance. Now, the data points are wide-ranging and far more indicative of what a customer is likely to be genuinely interested in.

    Today’s recommendations are based on. their wish list, the items they have reviewed and what similar people have purchased – this creates a very rounded profile of a customer and is a great example of predictive analytics being used to its full potential.

    So to get the most from your Big Data investment, focus on the questions you's love to answer for your business. But remember, while there may be good and mediocre questions, the worst mistake you can make is being too afraid to ask your data any questions at all. The process may be challenging, but it can create an incredibly targeted and effective strategy.

    Data-driven decisions are better than intuition-based ones. Happy Questioning!

  2. bhavis

    A golden journey coming to an end with Huawei

    Before I joined Huawei India all I knew was, that I had enormous passion for Android. My understanding of the OEM space today has strengthened working with Huawei for 3 and half years.

    It’s been a golden all my passion, aspirations, desires, ideas all started coming true here. I could actually write a book, if I have to describe the learning’s that I got here....But I shall keep it limited to a post for now & just share some of the key projects I worked on:

    MBB Landing Page:

    Working as a business developer, partnered with some amazing companies to bring in some cool discounts, gifts, offers for our datacard users. The first web landing page we started monetizing by bringing real value for our customers. Total WIN-WIN

    Huawei Club:

    The new era of marketing is all about empowering your core fans to talk & advocate your brand. We travelled to many cites, visited colleges, met young minds, engaged with them & as a brand tried to bring in a small difference in the way they learn/adopt technology. Through the club we wanted to make fans feel honoured of being who they are & aspire to be who they wish to be. During this phase...I relived my college days!


    The power of fans can take you anywhere..That’s what we witnessed during our partnership with RCB. We were all there in all the possible new channels, newspapers. Getting to meet all the RCB players was a dream comes true for me.


    Being in this Smartphone space, I leant that hardware is going to get saturated. The game changer will be the experience an OEM will bring on to their consumers hand via the device. EMUI stood for making user experience simple & make touch more meaning full. Engaging with EMUI users across the global made my belief stronger about the power of social media. The power where you can get your ideas spread across with not limitations.

    Honor Launch Event

    So grateful to end my journey with some very sweet memories, all that was created during our recent Honor launch event in Delhi. I will forever be a fan of Huawei products & people who inspired me during this journey.

    I take this opportunity to thank Huawei for making this journey remarkable & for all the beautiful memories which I will cherish for lifetime.

    This is the perfect time, I am ready to finally say goodbye to the corporate world & embrace the start-up life. I will see all my loved ones on the other side...where my life takes a 180 degree twist. 

  3. bhavis

    When you are hurt….

    We all have experienced what it feels when we are hurt... most of the time we talk to ourselves & ask one question “Why me?”

    We derive lot all of answers but could never get around the logic as to why did we get hurt at the first place.

    I have been hurt multiple times; unfortunately I don’t have a permanent or temporary cure for it.

    But I have discovered two facts about hurt:

         1.     If you have a heart, you will get hurt

         2.     No one intentionally will ever try to hurt you, it’s all accidental

    Having said that, today I am here I am expressing all that’s going in my heart & mind.

    As I was hurt, I screamed out loud on streets caring a damn what will people think or say about me.
    Has redefined few thoughts & relationships for me.
    Lost control over my delivery of words.
    Actions, few that I would never ever imaging doing in my wildest dreams.

    So here I am HURT!

    So what next?

    Here are few options that we all have when we get Hurt:

    •          Forgive but never forget
    •          Let go & Forget
    •          Giveup on expectations
    •          Give-up the thing that hurt
    •          Ignore & take all that happens as a bonus
    •          Shield your heart so that when it again happens, u can take it as normal as you could
    •          Accept everything

    Well for now – my safest option is to give-up on things that hurt me. I choose to stay happy & I will embrace all that’s going to give me happiness.

    Someone once advised me – If you are hurt, keep calm & never express how you feel.

    I don’t know how to follow this advice, all I know is I am human, I am authentic, I am very well aware about my feelings. I will express so far I am doing justice to my feelings...after all its all about living & not just being alive.

  4. bhavis

    12 Social Media listening tools

    Social Media is used by brands for various purposes like:
    ·         Brand Building

    ·         CRM

    ·         ORM (Online Reputation Building)

    ·         Lead Generation

    ·         Sales

    ·         Traffic Generation

    ·         Internal Communication

    ·         Fun Raising

    The major activity in social media marketers need to do is listen to what, when from where are they talking about their respective brands. Data on web is scattered all around, thus to make our lifes more easy we have some free, premium social Media listening tools.

    Tools to Monitor & Measure on Social Media:

    1. Google Alters:

    It’s a free tool; you can get email notifications any time that Google finds new results on a topic you’re interested in. Eg:- get updates about a product you like, find out when people post content about your brand on the web, or keep up with news stories.

    2. Google Analytics:

    Google Analytics is a free service offered by Google that generates detailed statistics about a website's traffic and traffic sources and measures conversions and sales.

    3. Facebook Insights:

    Facebook Insights is a pretty powerful tool for those wanting to track user interaction on their Facebook Fan Page. Facebook Insights helps the page admin to track the number of active users, engagement, brand reach, virality & better understand page performance.

    Influence is the ability to drive action. When you share something on social media or in real life and people respond, that’s influence. The more influential you are, the higher your Klout Score. It offers several ways to bring influencers & brands together.

    Very similar to Klout, it helps brands to identify the key influencers & content that really matter to them,

    TweetReach is a simple free tool to measure how far a hashtag reached on Twitter. It provides set of metrics to help you understand an idea's reach on Twitter, top contributors, top RTs etc

    Bitly is not only a URL shortening service but also lets you track the statistic of any bitly URL

    Social Mention is a social media search engine that searches user-generated content such as blogs, comments, bookmarks, events, news, videos, tweets from across the web into a single stream of Information. It’s one interface to know if your brand reputation across the social channels is Negative or positive.

    It’s a paid social media management system, with functionality for teams to focus on engagement, publishing & analytics. Sprout makes it easy for the entire team to respond to customers on social and to know we’ve gotten back to each and every one. Provides great managing reports.

    10. Alterian SM2:

    Alterian SM2 is a business intelligence solution designed to provide visibility into social media and let brands tap into their customers' thoughts and opinions.

    11. Radian6:

    Very popular & desired social media tool. Powerful tool which will change the way you use digital marketing. Radian6 is a platform that enables organizations to monitor and engage in conversations across the social web. When you configure a search, the Radian6 platform retrieves results from more than 150 million sites and sources.

    12. Sysomos: 
    Sysomos helps you monitor, analyze, gather insights and ultimately, make the decisions that allow you to create better products and services for your customers

    All the above tools lets you hear customers feedback, issues, suggestions...All that I can say with my experience is - You build customer loyalty and connection not by answering fast, but by engaging with respect and transparency.

    So let’s not social media be all about no of Facebook likes, Twitter followers, Youtube views, Unique page views...let it be a platform where customers feel heard & connected to brands. 

  5. bhavis

    10 Learning’s from 2014 – A Chance to do it right in 2015

    1. Save & Travel More:

    Last year visited - Jaipur, Jodhpur, Delhi, Agra, Bangkok, Vellore, Mangalore, Gokarna…

    Each travel brought in a new perception & exposure to different set of culture & people.

    My logic says "Travelling actually saves you money". Thus this year I will work hard and save enough money so that I can travel more.

    2. Kick-start a project with a clear Vision:

    A project which was very close to my heart turned out to be unsuccessful not because we lacked efforts or skills but due to the gap in project vision.

    Working towards clarifying the short term & long term vision for a project before it begins.

    3. Keep abreast with latest Technology:

    When I heard that your Refrigerator can send you email with list of grocery things to buy, I was amazed to know that Internet of Things has not just arrived – people have been working on it since 2010.

    Big Data my latest crush, I lose my sleep imagining tones of things how Big Data can change the world in coming years. I hope to get my hands dirty on it soon. 

    4. Health is Wealth:

    Fast food, late hours of work, lack of sleep and no exercise is causing health issue to all.

    If we don’t have a good health you can’t go a long way in life – so I have committed 45 mins each day for workout. Aiming to get that damn abs. 

    5. Spend more time with loved once:

    We always take our loved ones for granted. When you learn how unpredictable life is, its too late.

    Keep the faith, things can change drastically in a year and bring more happiness than ever

    6. Faith can do Miracles:

    Few incidents that happened to me last year looks like a miracle, but without putting any logic I realized that you got to have faith to make things happen for you the way you want it.

    All that I have is bring it on!

    7. Don't think ...Just do it:

    We all think & try to put logic around before doing anything. We think, we thing, we thing & eventually give up! At the end we regret or land up being normal.

    Normal is not cool, just do! If it works - good for you, if it doesn't you will fall & learn more...that's what is life all about. Start living!

    9. Slow down enjoy life more:

    I was once asked “What you want from life?” & I realized – all that I want is to be happy.

    Will not let time pass, instead I will be busy building memories.  

    10. Work on Ideas:

    I got so addicted to “Shark Tank” that I finished watching all the series in a month. That not only changed my perception towards the way I look at product but also what it takes to bring ideas into reality.

    When I see how we live our lives & the kind of product we work with – I know there is a much better way of how things can be done. Let not the fear of failure stop us any more.

    I wish you write and draw something that is important and interesting for you...
    And if anything goes wrong I hope you get courage to wipe and start again.
    Wish you and yours a happy new year!

  6. bhavis

    Internet of Things – Innovations & Business Models


    How many times have you’ll fought with your loved ones for – Leaving the water tap open, forgotten to switch off the lights, not buying the groceries on time,  leaving the plants un-watered etc. Well, to solve such many more problems & to make our lives easier here comes “Internet of Things”.

    I happened to attend ThoughtWorks Converge Conference last Saturday, in this post I will share some of my learning on “Internet of Things”(IoT).

    -          IoT term was first used in the year 1999

    -          7 things a device must have to be IoT (Connectivity, Sensors, Processor, Security, Quality, Cost efficiency, Energy Efficiency)

    Some of the disruptive Innovations in the space of Internet of Things:

    Builders constructing Smart houses:

    A house where your room temperature is auto set depending on the current climate temperature, will timely water your plants, lightings change as per your moods. All this is done without human interference with the help of IoT.

    Connected Refrigerator:

    Imagine your fridge scanning through your grocery items inside & preparing the grocery order list & sending a purchase order to Big Basket & when you come home all the materials are waiting at your doorsteps. Fridge sending out emails suggesting you based on the items present the Dinner menu to be cooked.

    Google Car:

     Well google car needn’t be explained. That’s what I need as I am hopeless in driving. So practically eliminating driver’s cost you have a car which will follow google’s map & take you to your destination without any effort.

    Healthcare enabled Smart watches:

     Today your Smartphone’s will warn you before your chances of heart attack, when your glucose level is going high & how much your BP is in control. Makes you feel your doctor is in your hand.

    IoT Business Models:

    Internet Business Models are revolving around Likes, Shares, Eyeballs, Views etc. With IoT there is an evolution of new business model:

    -  Build a solution which will solve problems of people & they would be ready to pay for that solution

    -    Solve the customer real time problem “now”

    -    You may not have consumers directly paying for the solution, but have to identify a third party who would be ready to pay for it

    -   Design BM around partnership & alliance for a bigger WIN

    Some successful IoT Business Models:

    A community where-in people discuss about their health issues & all this discussed business intelligence is shared across clinics & hospitals so that can generate leads.

    "The world's most intelligent doorbell." Chui's facial recognition technology replaces keys, passwords or codes, allowing you to disarm a security system with facial recognition

    Top10 Internet of Things Startup 

    Way to approach a problem via IoT:

    1.       Identify the problem

    2.       Come out with 10 diff IoT solutions

    3.       Design feasibility study for each of the solutions & finalize one which is more doable

    4.        Develop Business Model

    5.       If you know your idea is profitable & scalable go ahead with it

    Few Tips for business in IoT:

    -          Never startup because you have a great idea, startup because you have a problem to solve

    -          Find the most easiest technical solution

    -          Don’t design solution just for one market – plan it as a global solution

    Today Refrigerators can send Malicious Emails, so my question to you is - Are You Yet there ?

  7. bhavis

    Writing an impossible story for your life


    "View from Kudremukh
    Click by my baby sister - Bhavana 
    Well, its a simple process:

    Know ur weakness & strengths

    Know what you really want

    Plan ur moves

    Start acting

    Have benchmarks in each interval

    Have a backup plan

    Evaluate yourself every day

    Keep Learning, Smiling & be Passionate
    Prayer hard, believe that it’s gonna happen
    Get ready to witness Life’s Miracle!

  8. bhavis

    Brands Product Strategy


    We all know how dynamic the Mobile market is getting & we have many new players entering the game. The new game changers in this space are Mi & Motorola.

    So what makes a product succeed in a new market?

    How brands can make a comeback?

    How Engaging with Customers is becoming a must for Brands?

    I will try answering to these questions in this post.

    It’s well said - “Have no fear of perfection – you’ll never reach it”.

    In today’s diverse market you can’t have a product for all. So be very clear with your Target Group & Market them the products with a strong message. Remember – Customers are Smart, so win their heart first the mind will be automatic taken care.

    A product has 5 characteristics that engage a Buyer

    1. PRICE

    2. SERVICE

    3. ACCESS

    4. QUALITY



    There is only one price – Honest Price & that is the price a buyer things is right


    Basic level of service is expected. The question is how farther would you go?


    How easy should it be to access and navigate both offline & online?

    Consistently good or one off best ? Good enough is good enough for most

    Intimacy matters. Buyers demand respect and being cared for

    Three customer relationships levels – that define the depth of a buyer engagement:

    (LEVEL 1):
    Be considered little effort to maintain loyalty

    (LEVEL 2):

    Be favored – Deeper Engagement – Favored over Competition

    (LEVEL 3):

    Be desired. An Ideal state – Favoured + Desired

    Together they define an Engagement Plan & hence the Product Strategy”

    Look at the below 2 charting a Product Strategy

    So go back & have a look at your product strategy – Don’t try to perfect it as a product with all its imperfections can just be as perfect.

  9. bhavis

    Phuket – Land of Beaches & Islands


    Every time as I relive the time spend at Phuket one of the most beautiful city in Thailand, it just lightens my heart with energy & joy. I believe we write our own stories and each time we think we know the end, we don't….I had only my dreams with me, I wasn't sure what the destination is going to be like, still I kept moving as I believe that the journey is the reward!!!

    We took a government bus to travel from Bangkok to Phuket which is 12 hours of overnight journey.

    Rain welcomed us as we reached Phuket early morning… could it get more beautiful? We shared a taxi with a lovely old French travel freak married couple.  As they shared their travel experience around Africa, India, Europe etc…. that’s when I realized how I would like to grow older with someone -experiencing life on the streets of Europe country side, adventuring in Africa , biking around the coast of Thailand & much more.

    A sense of freedom when we hired a bike & reached Patong Beachwhich was just 10 min away from our Hotel. It started raining as we got into the beach, all you could hear is the sound of the distant waves hitting against the shore. I miss its beauty and serenity.

    The bike made me feel like having wings & we drove to Kathu & Karon beach which were close by to Patong Beach. Picture perfect beach scene!!! I haven't been to any beach like these Beaches. The sand was so fine that my feet instantly buried in with each and every step I took towards to shore. The skies were so Smurf it blue and the white sand reflected the sun brightening up the beach.

    But somehow I was in love with the Patong Roads rather than the beaches…

    Patong’s Bangla Road has a vibrant night life which pulsates away till the wee hours of the morning. The 5 block long strip is packed to the max with bars, clubs, restaurants, and stores where Thai women sit with foreigners drinking beer and playing games. This place pulled a huge crowd just based on the amount of people sitting inside and to those standing outside for a free show.

    The competition is so high within these pubs that they really work hard on the ambiance, appearance of the bar girls & the innovation they bring into the free shows. It was FiFa time & we could see street bars around a Poll with a big LCD TV screening the Live match – girls entertaining the guest with strip show & serving drinks. Great businesses model here – very less investment but high level of creativity.

    Thailand is well known for its massage and spa services. Even India’s popular Spa “O2 Spa” couldn’t come any closer to the face/foot massage that the Patong street Massage shops offer at the best price.

    We landed up at a very popular Super Market and we started shopping. At the end when we looked at our shopping basket, we realized we have picked up drinks, fruits, eatables lasting for a week. Our basket looked like we are getting all set to live in Patong J that’s the miracle this small city had done.

    Last day in Patong was our tour to James Bond Island. After making our reservation and paying for a spot on the tour, we were picked up early in the morning from your hotel on the date of your tour and then taken to the departure point for your voyage out into Phang Na Bay. Got on the big boat, as we sailed through enjoyed the many strange, yet beautiful, limestone cliffs jutting up out of the water. There are around 45 such small islands. I had always seen these types of natural ocean formations in the movies and it was incredible to actually get to see them in person.

    Sea kayak of the limestone cliffs around 2 beautiful Islands as it kept drizzling through. Thai guys were awesome hosts. They would answer any questions you had in their ‘Thai English’ or playfully joke around with the passengers. Their upbeat personalities really added positively to the trip as well.

    If the name isn't enough of a giveaway James Bond Island was one of the key movie locations for the 007 movie, The Man with the Golden Gun. And of course, what happens when a place appears in a blockbuster movie? It becomes a tourist destination!
    It’s a place to experience & my words will never be enough to describe it.

    We reached the last island, the water was so incredibly clear and green in colour. The surface of the water was so still, so serene just slowly moving between, under, and around the cliffs…. and here one by one from our boat, went for a deep driving into the ocean for a quick swim.

    The water drops falling from our hair, the wind smoothing our body & eyes filled with the reflection of beauty … our journey of Phuket ended with a desire to be back again to witness theses kind of miracles nature creates every min.

    This one was the much needed break. So friends my only sharing would be – we get so busy in our daily life that we are missing out on so much....Life is short....go ahead and plan one long break – club long weekends, fake a medical leave, do whatever it takes – and slow travel. Go to a place you love, or one you know nothing about. Choose a homestay over a drab hotel room. Plan nothing else. Talk to the locals, be adventurous with your food, spend do-nothing days, and let the road show you a different way of life….like the new life I am encountered with!

  10. bhavis

    A living dream – Visit to Bangkok

    The dreams may well be far away, someplace where I have never been before. 
    But there is something that tells me from deep down inside me that they are really somewhere. 
    I don't know for sure whether to go there or not, but I was told that if I followed my heart I will be there someday…..
    thus my visit to the most happening city of Thailand – Bangkok
    Astonishing view from the flight as we were touching Bangkok

    Airport had some very good Huawei Device Branding – felt very much at home & a place of belonging. After waiting for almost an hour for the visa – we were out of the airport at 3am. Reached our hotel & we hungry souls got our first shock when they charged us 30 Bahts for one glass of hot drinking water.
    The day raised, it was the day to visit temples. Temples: Thailand is a country with a long history of Buddhism.

    We decided to take the sky train as it was close by to our hotel. While buying the train tickets the expression that I received for the way I spoke English – made me realize that’s not gonna work. Thai peoples are not very well verse with speaking English, so just use key words & kill your grammar during your stay here.

    Many grand temples and shrines were built and if there is only one temple you could visit in Bangkok, it would be no other than the Temple of the Emerald Buddha.  Buddha statues are the major highlights in these temples. Each statue brings out a different expression of Lord Buddha majorly “Peace” as that’s what he preached to the whole world.

    You can also take a boat ride covering Wat Arun, Wat Pho & Grand Palace.
    Bangkok is one of those cities which does not sleep – so our evenings used to be totally fun.

    Reached Skybar – one of the very popular Roof top Restaurants:- Standing on the 84th floor open-air revolving restaurant, you really feel like you’re in heaven. Famous for the scene in The Hangover 2, this rooftop bar was probably outstanding before it became famous. After all, it is the world’s highest open-air bar - If you every want to make any of your life’s memorable moment, this is the venue for you.

    As the day passed we learnt – Taxies are more affordable, bargain for everything & wherever possible, lychee are something to die for.

    They say shop till you drop in Bangkok as the city is all about Designer stores, Malls & Wholesale markets. We spend ample of our time shopping in MBK, Pratunam wholesale market, Chatuchak Weekend Market & the list goes on…..guys – stay far way from entering the Platinum Mall (all the 5 floor are majorly filled with girls stuff)
    Night life at Soi Cowboy, Sukhumvit Soi will make your eyes & heart go red. That’s where most of the Bangkok documentary comes from. A city which has 75% population of girls has its own reasons for making prostitution legal.

    Well I can’t talk too much good about the food as being a Vegetarian I really had a tough time. But yes – if you are a meat lover you will love the street food more than the five start restaurant food you might have ever tasted in India. Veggies please carry ReadToEat, fruits, dry fruits for your survival.

    One place you can’t miss visiting - Jim Thompson House: A living well architectures house of
    An absconding America Man which speak about his life with pride. 
    Jim who fell in love with Thai culture and devoted himself to reviving the craft of hand weaving of silk.

    The Tuk-Tuk moment of truth is negotiating prices with the driver. Management people can get to test their negotiating skills here, but I totally loved the ride, it’s an experience worth having.

    The traffic, the markets, the street hawkers, the grime; the food carts, the temples, the madness, the crime… it’s what makes this iconic South-East Asian capital buzz. That’s how the city “Bangkok” kept amazing me every day.

    A city that taught me the value of drinking water, improvised my bargaining & negotiating skills, filled my wardrobe with lovely stuff, made me be conformable in your own skin – ความรัก & lots of love :) 

    ..but wait does not end here…I have more stories to share in my next Phuket Post.

  11. bhavis

    20 Random Questions – Fun!


    It's been months that I have not blogged. I have so much to share – somehow life & work has kept me busy.  So I decided to update this post, something that did not need heavy thought, something that was fun and something that I would enjoy doing.

    So here are Random Twenty Questions from Sunday Stealing.

    You are most welcome to do them too and leave your links in the Sunday Stealing post.

    1 Last time you had butterflies in your stomach?

    When my boss called me for my appraisal meeting which was last month.

    2. What was your last alcoholic beverage?

    The best news is that I am back to being a teetotaller which I am really enjoying. If my memory is not that back my last drink would be Red Wine last year.

    3. Who can you trust?

    My Mom

    4. Where was your first kiss with your current significant other?

    Bangalore-Chennai highway

    5. Favorite Band?


    6. What is something you've learned about yourself recently?

    Doing crazy stuff in public is making me more comfortable in my skin.

    7. Do you like anyone?

    I like my team members at office.

    8. Do you know anyone who is engaged?

    Yes, my blogger friend Syoni

    9. What's your favorite number?

    10. Who was the last person to make you cry?

    A Friend 

    11. Did you ever go to camp as a kid?


    12. When was the last time you cried?

    On my friend’s birthday i.e 6thJune

    13. What is one thing you miss about your past?

    Boy Genius

    14. What is one thing you've learned about life?

    Everything that you can feel or see on this earth is temporary – even true love

    15. Are you jealous of anyone?

    Yes! “Sheryl Sandberg” It’s strange that the lady who inspires me the most

    16. Is anyone jealous of you?

    Office colleagues

    17. Has a friend ever used you?


    18. Has anyone recently told you that they like you more than as a friend?


    19. Who was the last person you drove with?


    20. What are you looking forward to?

    27th June! As I go on a short vacation to Thailand :) 

  12. bhavis

    When I was small


    I'd put my arms in my
    jacket and told people lost my arms

    Would restart the video
    game whenever I knew I was going to lose

    Had that one pen with
    four colors, and tried to push all the buttons at once

    Waited behind a door to
    scare someone, then leaving because they're taking too long to come out.

    Faked being asleep, so I could be carried to bed.

    Used to think that the moon followed our car

    Tried to balance the switch between On/Off

    Watching two drops of
    rain roll down window and pretending it was a race

    The only thing I had to
    take care of was a school bag.

    Swallowed a fruit seed I
    was scared to death that a tree was going to grow in my tummy.

    Closed the fridge
    extremely slowly to see when the lights went off.

    Walked into a room, forgot what I needed, Walked out, and then remember.

    Remember when we were kids and couldn't wait to grow up and now we think why did we even grow up?

    Miss those wonderful, innocent days of my life….

  13. bhavis

    Life bit away from Blogging

    Firstly I deeply owe apologies to my lovely blog & to my blog subscribers. Yes! I know it’s been really long since I have updated this space. So let me try to justify this 3 months of my life away from blogging.  The following things had kept me engaged:

    1.     Travelling to Delhi, Coimbatore, Cochin, Mangalore-

    This was the first time I was visiting these cities. I feel in love with the Delhi cold climate, street shopping, Punjabi family culture and not to forget the variety of food that got me to gain 2Kg of weight.  Coimbatore, Cochin, and Mangalore – the tier 2 cities took me by a surprise when I passed through huge malls, Audi showrooms and wide Akers spread universities. These trips made me realize that as a marketer we are totally missing out a huge potential market which lies in the Tier 2 & Tier 3 cities.

    2.     Friends destination wedding @ Jodhpur –

    That was one of my dear friends wedding and how could one resist when it’s happening in the blue city of India. My trip to Jaipur & Jodhpur was incredible; pics coming soon. The Forts, Palaces, food & not to forget the shopping experience is something that I will remember for the life time.  

    3.     Swimming classes –
    One of my resolutions for 2014 & to summarize my training, I grade myself C. I felt like I was on moon when I learnt to float – I know it sounds crazy, but that day was the best day of the Feb month J I know how to back float…. I have a long way before I call myself a swimmer – but I don’t know how many feel that this earth is a much calm, peaceful, stress less, beautiful when you are in the water.

    4.     Huawei Club expansion –

    My work is my passion. “Do what u love & believe in” -That’s what I preach to all the young students I meet during my college visits.  Huawei Club is the project I have been working on for more than 8 months & trust me, never did I felt like I am working (I know my boss is reading this ;))

    It’s a project where we are trying to build smart engineers & managers for tomorrow, nurture students ideas & passions, trying to bridge the gap between Academics & Corporate.

    It’s a privilege of being a part of such an imitative. I get to meet young super talented students whom I can motivate & in return learn & get inspired from them.

    Life @ work is beautiful.

    5.     Data Science –

    If you have been following my tweets off lately, it’s easier to say that Data Science is not my crush any more; I am in love with it J  Big Data is something that I am learning all by myself & every time I educate myself, my belief gets stronger, that this is the next big impactful technology in the coming years.

    6.     Calm person within me-

    With time I have encountered quite a bit of calmness in me. It’s so powerful – it lets you handle people & situation smartly. In this new change, I am trying to figure out if expressing yourself is a sign of weakness or strength?

    Help me get some conclusion on the above question that’s on mind, till then I say goodnight to the beautiful people out there reading this.

    Stay happy & safe till I come up with my new blog update. 

  14. bhavis

    Let your fears be you’re Secret Santa

    I am sure it’s the time when most of you’ll are playing Secret Santa with your family, friends & colleges. This game brings in lots of excitement & unbelievable surprises each time I play it!

    My team at work decided to play this game in a slightly different style. We asked all the team members to write their name along with one of the fear which they want to overcome in the coming year of 2014.

    The game goes like this: The Secret Santa will surprise his or her angle with gifts, acts and messages every day & will also assure that they will help in overcoming their fear. To my surprise this tweak in the game brought in some unusual realizations, fun, positivity, energy & bonding in the team.

    This week was when the Secret Santa game was played. We all gathered at Pinxx, amazing dishes surrounded us. As we all 13 members were sited around a high dinner table…the fun evening was just about to begin.

    We started off the game by letting members guess each other’s fears. Few guess were:

    -       Fear of Manager

    -       Fear of bad health

    -       Fear of Girlfriends anger

    -       Fear of going late home

    -       Fear of talking about their age

    -       Fear of expression

    The thing that amazed me about this guessing game was as members went on guessing each others fear – for the first time not one but almost all were laughing over the fears. Generally we have seen people scared, shy, embarrassed when it comes to talking about fears..but this was something different. Could you believe that here was this table with bunch of young professional LOL on the topic of fear?

    After all the laughter and tasting yummy deserts it was time to get serious & play the secret santa game. Each one had to talk about the angel for whom he/she is the santa..let the team guess the name, gift their angel, read out their angels fear-give a suggestion & assure that they will be around for the rest of the year helping overcome the fear.
    The kind of fears that were read out:

    -       Fear of losing the one they love

    -       Fear of water

    -       Fear of being extrovert & talking to people

    -       Fear of Obesity

    -       Fear of Drinking & Driving

    -       Fear of Performing 

    My Gift from Secret Santa
    Fear is an emotion which is permanently embedded into the mind of a human being. If we remove this emotion from this world, then there would be total chaos in the society. It’s a protective instinct which shields us from dangers. When we are afraid, we pull back from life. My thought is becoming fearless isn't the point. It’s learning to control your fear, and how to be free from it.

    Fear is already a part of you. Declare it and celebrate it. Infact, use it.

    Inspiring: Entrepreneurs, the artists, the risk takers live with fears and make better use of it. They accept the fact that there is a danger and risk, and moving further ahead may result in crisis. But guess what? They absolutely love it! They accept failure as a part of life, and play with fears. They use this fear to conquer more ground. They are not afraid of this primitive emotion, but make it their closest friend.

    Let your fear be your Secret Santa, let it surprise you each day, Embrace it! At the end you have a beautiful gift waiting for you.

    Embrace the fear and feel lucky about it. If you fear something, then trust your mind, and be assured that you are onto something exciting. All you need to do is, divert the flow of energy. At the end, you will feel good about it. Give it a try, and see what happens!

    Merry Christmas & Wish you all a Happy New Year!

  15. bhavis

    UnMetro – The Markets driving India

    It was my absolute please to attend Dainik Bhaskar UnMetro Conference on 13th Dec. A platform where I got to hear some inspiring UnMetro Case Studies from Marketers, incredible panel discussing the future of India being the UnMetros. 

    Some take away & quotes from the event:

    People nowadays are migrating from smaller towns to cities like Pune, Lucknow and Ahmedabad to earn their livelihood, whereas the rate of people migrating to the so-called metros has fallen sharply.

    The non-metro customer today, demands the same luxury packages such as spas, five stars & international vacations that any of his affluent metro counterparts demand.

    Trust is the key to success in the unMetros markets and people are open to talk and learn about new things.

    The trend of e-commerce players partnering with retail brands is yet to evolve in unMetros

    Consumer in future will reject a user inappropriate product. Affordability is no longer an issue for unMetros

    5 reasons for the change in nonMetros – increasing awareness for education, health & wellness, growing need for personal grooming, improving hygiene & increasingly eating out & experimenting with food.

    60% of my brands revenue comes from non-metro India

    Women & Children in UnMetros India have become powerful as far as purchase decisions go.

    The advantage in a small town is that the news spreads very fast, brands need to spend money in cultivating loyalty

    Products must be hackable & customizable. Customers are getting smarter. They will not buy products just because their favorite celebrity is endorsing it.

    Puma – “We have closed 7 stores due to unprofitably, all from Metros

    DHFL – “We target lower middle income group. We have differentiated Business Model to cater to different segments in Market

    CCD- “We are not in the coffee business; we are in the Time pass business. CCD is a place where people want to spend time with their loved ones, beverages accidentally surround them

    Toyota – “By the year 2015, non-metros will account for more than 60% of our sales!

    Puma – “e-Commerce allows us to reach 800 towns that we would have never had reached. It serves a long tail of towns

    Titan – “In the coming 5 years, e-Commerce will be big, Localization will be critical & technology will help us identifying customers with their name & purchase history”.

    We at Huawei have always believed that making a common man a brand ambassador & word of mouth is the best marketing strategy. Thus Huawei Club where we are building an eco-system, engaging with Students, Developers, Designers to enrich our customers experiences.  

    A brand essence doesn't and will not change, from market the way the message is communicated at times need to be tweaked accordingly to be effective. After the end of the conference, for it’s really difficult to distinguish metros & unMetros into separate categories.

    In fact India outside the metros seems to be the emerging India.

  16. bhavis

    Feelings with Failures

    This is a space where I want to talk a little bit about failings, because nobody's journey is seamless or smooth – neither is mine. Interesting question that I faced few days back, “What makes what you are today?” & the reply was “My failures!”

    We all stumble.

    We all have setbacks.

    We all do mistakes & wrong choices

    If things go wrong, you hit a dead end, as you will, it's just life's way of saying time to change course. So, I always ask every failure, every crisis, and every difficult time -what is this here to teach me? And as soon as you get the lesson, you get to move on. Important is that you really get the lesson, you pass and you don't have to repeat the class.

    Difficulties come when you don't pay attention to life's whisper, because life always whispers to you first. And if you ignore the whisper, sooner or later you'll get a scream. Whatever you resist persists. But, if you ask the right question—not why is this happening, but what is this here to teach me? it puts you in the place and space to get the lesson you need.  I have my share of many failed projects, failed matches, failed ideas…but those failures never stop me, they have made me better.

    Don't live for yourself alone. This is what I know for sure: In order to be truly happy, you must live along with and you have to stand for something larger than yourself. Because life is a reciprocal exchange. To move forward you have to give back. And to me, that is the greatest lesson of life. To be happy, you have to give something back.

    The lesson is - If you're hurting, you need to help somebody ease their hurt. If you're in pain, help erase somebody else's pain. And when you're in a mess, you get yourself out of the mess helping somebody out of theirs. And in this process, you get to become more of a beautiful person that one would like to know more about.

    It’s such a lovely sight as my home is glowing in the colorful lights. A small light alone looking so good and playing its small important part in the whole view. 
    Wishing you’ll Happy Diwali – go out and make that small difference!

  17. bhavis

    A Student for Lifetime

    Called up my mom today afternoon for a general chat, she says “I am painting the wall, can we talk later?”. As the call ended, the only one thing that hit me was how cool stuff my mom is still doing at this age. It’s so inspiring to see my parents always doing something interesting – like going for a jog early morning, trekking, playing badminton, working with NGO etc.

    The best thing my parents preached: “Beautiful thing about learning is that nobody can take that away from you. It’s the biggest wealth. The world has so many lessons to teach you. Consider the world, this Earth, to be like a school and your life as classrooms. And sometimes here in this Planet Earth school the lessons often come dressed up as detours or roadblocks. And sometimes as full-blown crises. To succeed you got to be open to the lessons, lessons from the grandest university of all, that is, the universe itself.

    The times when I lost badminton matches, banged my car and failed in relationships….all gave me lessons. Failure is never an option; it's being able to walk through life eager and open to self-improvement and that which is going to best help you evolve, 'cause that's really why we're here, to evolve as human beings. To grow into more of ourselves, always moving to the next level of understanding, the next level of compassion and growth.

    And I believe that there's a lesson in almost everything that you do and every experience, and getting the lesson is how you move forward and being more of yourself.
    From last 2 months, I have been closely working with inters & college’s students - the thing that I have learnt from them:

    •      Being who you are (No mask)
    •       Not being judgmental
    •       Open to experiment & learning’s
    •       No fear of failures
    •       Being crazy, laughing just because you want to
    •       Loving & caring selflessly
    I am student for the lifetime. Before going to bed the one thing that I ask myself is, “What I have learnt new?” And I answer – I learnt a new style to bun my hair, I learnt a new vocabulary, I learnt what hurts people, I learnt how to console my friend in a new pattern, I learnt a new song…
    I want to learn to swim, skydive, ballet dance, play guitar, bake yummy cookies, skating & many more..
    I know that I m getting better from yesterday…I am getting to be more of myself…I am living the way I want to…I m learning something new every day!

    Happy Learning Friends!

  18. bhavis

    When it feels right, it’s Right!

    It feels like breathing.It feels like being alive.It feels right. And that's where everything follows.When you're doing the work you're meant to do, it feels right and every day is a bonus.How do you know when you're doing something right? How do ...
  19. bhavis

    Drink & Drive – Choice for a Life

    A daughter who has seen her father taking his last breath in an ICU
    For he is an orphan boy when the car ran over his parents

    Would-be brides love brutally being killed on a street

    How does all this sound???

    Did you felt the pain of losing your loved one because someone drove when they were drunk?

    Picture snapped in front of your eyes - car hitting someone and blood all over?


    Did you felt guilty for the times where you drove after drinking alcohol & meeting with an accident or getting lucky for escaping any mishap?

    Well! If you have felt anything so far, this message is not for you. It is for those who didn't feel anything reading the above lines:

    Ask me-

    It’s not easy to let go someone from your life forever because someone got on to the driving seat when they were drunk.

    It’s devastating to be back in your conscious to face the world which tags you as a killer after you have banged your car on an innocent soul

    Been their…shattered….miserable…helpless…seeing time & relationship getting worst.

    All this, just because someone like us wanted to have a great time in the party drinking alcohol, carelessly didn't bother but decides to go back home driving.  This is a simple choice one makes to ruin ones beautiful happy family.

    Be Responsible... don’t drink and drive
    Help & Support me in this cause
    Share your views to make our roads safer by ensuring enforcement of strict laws. 

    Back to being a Teetotaler forever & do you still want to know WHY

  20. bhavis

    Learning’s from the Corporate World

    It has been a long day yesterday…. Right from interviewing some inters joining my team to attending Bangalore Barcamp - listening to some amazing talks by my friends. Barcamps hold a special meaning in my life and to prove that statement, I started blogging after attending Pune Barcamp 2007 which happens to be my first Barcamp.

    As you would know I have been blessed to work with some amazing companies like Oracle, IBM, Motorola, Teleca & Huawei. Barcamp has thought me the art of sharing & learning, thus let me share with you’ll key lessons that I have encountered & adopted during my 6 years of corporate experience:

    •   Truly believe in the company & project you are part of. Until and unless you are not passionate you can never give your best
    •   Instead of your manager, Plan & Strategies your own work
    •   Set targets & benchmarks for yourself. Timely keep a track on our scores
    •   If you feel insecure it’s time to learn & work hard in improving your skill sets
    •   Do things the way no one ever can do it the way you do
    •   Instead of working hard, work smartly
    •   Network & build your brand
    •  Take ownership
    •  Help people working for & with you to grow, they will help you step ahead
    •  Present yourself & your work in the best way possible to management
    • Let failures never define you, but help you get one step closer to success
    • Last not the least – Learn, Share, Contribute, Support & Inspire people around you.


    You will never be remembered in a company for your contributions, but for the way you treated people around.  So have a true beautiful heart and don’t ever forget to carry a smile on your face no matter what the situation is.

    Yesterday across the dining table one of my friends said, “You sound very corporate”.
    Well I take it as a compliment because my Dear friends I know my business very well.

  21. bhavis

    What are you attracting?

    If it’s good it’s because of some change.

    We attract what we are.

    If we are happy we attract more happiness, if we are depressed we attract more depression. 

    If we are feeling like a winner we attract more wins. If we feel love we attract more love.

    It’s based on the simple theory of Law of attraction.

    I have witnessed this theory myself … so I think the whole point is all about how you feel, so that it makes you be that and finally you land up attracting it!

    So how are you feeling now? What are you attracting?
  22. bhavis

    What’s best for your Body Clock?

    How do you wake up without an alarm clock?

    Why does your tummy start grumbling a few minutes past your regular lunch hour?

    What time is it inside your body? That’s a harder question. :P

    Light coming in through eyes helps the body clock to keep in time with day or night and it resets slightly every day. Knowing how your internal body clock works can help you make the most of your waking hours.  It is quite natural for some people to want to wake up early and get on with the day, while others prefer to take more time and find they function better later in the day.
    Having been watching & reading some research reports plus documentaries about Body Clock, few points & undertakings that I wish to share:

    Morning 6 am to 10 am: Prefer doing less exertive activity or excises, as there may be more chances of heart attacks. Never skip your breakfast!

    10-12 noon: The most productive hours in the day. Try completing all your To-Do’s during these hours.
    Afternoon 12 – 2 pm: Complete your lunch & avoid driving on roads. In case you need to don’t forget to grab a cup of coffee to avoid accidents or any kinds of mishaps.

    2-4 pm: Any kind of medication during this time will always do wonders. That’s why Kimo treatment to cancer patients is given in this time interval.

    4-6 pm: Physical co-ordination, stamina and metabolic rate peak. Perfect time to slate a game of doubles tennis or schedule an early-evening kickboxing class. Best time for sports & gym.

    6-8 pm: Guess why most of the pubs have happy hours during this time? Yes! As research says it’s the best time for drinks & dinner.

    8-10: Avoid accessing internet, instead read a book, spread time in what you are passionate about like listening to music, painting etc. If not much, spend a quality time with your loved ones.

    After 10 pm: Your hours of the day!. Sleep well and time for love.

    Work according to your body clock for your best!
  23. bhavis

    Joy of Giving!

    Every time I shop, the challenge I face is to make space for them in my wardrobe. One weekend I closely looked at my wardrobe & figured out that I had a lot of items that I don’t use anymore.  Few stuff which are out of fashion, some don’t fit me any more …it was getting difficult to tackle the mountain of clothes, shoes, bags and accessories.
    Many of us feel that we may still wear certain items once more or, that we will grow back in to them if we lose some weight. However, there comes a point that we do really have to face the facts and get rid of a couple of things. Good News is that you need not throw everything in the bin, because there are quite a lot of things you can do with your old clothing:


    Donate old cloths to NGOs. Do make sure, however, that you check your clothing is still wearable. Anything with bad stains, holes or tears should not be given to charity, it would just be disrespectful. 


    There are a number of organisations that will buy your clothing by weight.  They will provide you a certain amount for every kilo of clothing that they deem acceptable. You could also place your clothing on a number of online bidding websites and let others fight over how much they will give you for it. 


    Old clothes, for instance, make excellent rags that can be reused at various places. It is difficult to see something that you really loved and wore with pride turned into a rag covered with oil stains, but that's OK. You could also turn your old clothing into funky jewelry and accessories. The best thing about this is that you end up with something truly original item.

    *We need Clothing Bank in India 
    It’s not easy to get rid of old clothing, particularly if it’s your favorite brand, however when you give, you make someone else really happy with it, or make a contribution to a better planet.Donations are a very popular medium of giving away clothes to the needy and underprivileged people. It brings personal happiness as well as joy to the beneficiary.
    The more you give, the more you have new things coming into your life…so go & enjoy the joy of giving!

  24. bhavis


    ..some fun, when you risk....some joy, when you understand....some connect, when you fall....some excitement, when you explore....some life, when you remember....some imagination, when you dream....some hope, when you loose.....some pleasure, when you ...
  25. bhavis

    Stepping out of the Comfort Zone

    Last Friday when I stepped out of my comfort zone, is when I truly feel like I am alive. ;)
    Writing is an art. Storytelling is an art. I love to do both…As I was challenged to step out of my comfort zone and share my Friday evening night out story… so here you go….

    “We friends headed to Xtreme Sports Bar after office to celebrate a friend’s birthday. The club was screening ICC Champions match live and I was badly missing the music. Later we figured out that it’s a karaoke night and I for fun said I will sing.

    Our groups “Kabira” got so excited that he went up to the DJ to submit my entry. Karaoke started and the first 2 performance were classy. After which I was so scared, that from with-in I decided not to make fool of myself & asked friends to withdraw my name. Just the next min my name was announced & I was hiding my face. All my friends badly wanted me to get on the floor and do something adventurous! Guess what … I did it.

    My friends joined me on the stage, stood beside me & cheered me. I finally sang my favorite song “I just need you now”. I don’t remember the people who were taking my pictures, guys who were capturing my performance in the video, friends dancing around & enjoying themselves… all that I was conscious was about the lyrics & how my voice sounded. At the end I had that huge smile on my face, hear loud applause & see the happiness on my friend’s faces who felt so proud of me. “
    That night will always be memorable for the experience & believe that you can enrich your life after stepping out of the comfort zone. With this I could say that tackling a new skill or taking an adventure that scares you a little helps you grow and makes you happier. Most of us have a desire to be comfortable and play it safe. Trying something new can seem scary and not worth the effort. Believe me you witness miracles when we step out of  your comfort zone.
    When you step out of comfort zone to follow your dream, there will be mighty storms. But in time, they will subside. And it is then you will appreciate why they came in the first place -- they came to change your direction and move you closer to your goal.

    Think back to the most meaningful, amazing moments of your life. When you examine them you will find that they had you stepping out of your comfort zone. Trying something new and unfamiliar brings extra excitement and emotion to life events.
    Often, the things that are scariest bring the greatest rewards.
    When you step outside your comfort zone, you give yourself a chance to grow, to learn, and to have fun. You get to see what it is like to be one of those carefree individuals who act first and ask questions later.

    So, why not have fun for once in your life (and maybe continue doing so) by going out and attempting a crazy and adventurous activity. Step out of your comfort zone and you'll realize how many possibilities really are out there! Even if you fail it will make you stronger, and you will learn from that failure!

  26. bhavis

    4G: Strengths & Challenges in India

    These days there are a lot of talks & announcements from all the major operators about 4G.It’s too exciting as Fourth generation, or 4G technology offers mobile internet access at three times the speed of 3G.
    4G offers:-
    • Higher bandwidth with a very quick access to the internet
    • Easily watch TV, streaming videos, albums, and also get access to social media, information, entertainment and online stores
    • Valuable Service: Multimedia games, HD videos, e-commerce, mHealth, mCommerce, mobile vault
    • Video conference
    • M2M (Machine to Machine)
    4G Top challenges:-
    • Voice and SMS not supported on 4G
    • Uses USIM (Universal Subscriber Identification Module) which is different from current SIM since it is a 128 KB SIM thus needs a change in mobile number
    • Launched in only few citied of India eg: Blore, Pune, Koltata etc
    • Limited area coverage; 4G roaming    
    • Lack of connected devices; few 4G supporting handsets & datacards
    I are very optimistic about the networking market in India in the coming years. We at Huawei are already seeing increased demand for networking products owing to the new trends in the Indian market. 

    It will be very exciting to see the incredible changes that 4G can bring into India....I can’t wait to see!

  27. bhavis

    Irony of Life

    Sadness to know what happiness isFailures to succeed  Noise to appreciate silenceHurt & pains to get beautifulAbsence to value presenceLosses to gain moreThe most beautiful Love, gives the most deepest painUnsaying at the right momentAging whi...
  28. bhavis

    Appointed: BOS for Computer Science at Jain University

    I strongly believed that the gap between our today’s academic and the industry requirements is very huge. The course syllabus especially in various Indian Universities for Computer science is very outdated as compared to the technology trends & innovations that are happening.

    When I was offered an opportunity to change the above situation I just accepted with honors – Glad & very grateful to be appointed in the Board of Studies for the Department of Computer Science at Jain University.

    The Board of Studies under the department of Computer Science is constituted by the competent authority for going through certain proposals for introducing new and innovative programmes in the field of Computer Applications and Information Technology.

    As I am committed to give my best to this role I plan to bring in the following:

    •       Computer Science syllabus updated with the latest web & mobile technology
    •      More of practicals, workshops & lab sessions. 
    •       Industrial live projects for students to build experience.
    •       Best practices of programming & IT management.

    Taking this opportunity to thank Jain University for the belief in me & for driving the change in academics that’s very much needed in the best interest of the students & Industry.

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