Touch the firehose of ds106, the most recent flow of content from all of the blogs syndicated into ds106. As of right now, there have been 92792 posts brought in here going back to December 2010. If you want to be part of the flow, first learn more about ds106. Then, if you are truly ready and up to the task of creating web art, sign up and start doing it.

  1. bparsons

    The Despicables: A critique

    Since I was on RoadTrip Radio, we had to critique The Despicables: Quality of audio sound  -e.g. is the volume appropriate? are the levels even? Is the sound clear, and free of noises not needed (e.g. mouse clicks, background)? The levels of sound in the beginning were a bit uneven. I kept having to change ...
  2. bparsons

    Around the World in 80 Days: A web adventure

    The assignment, Google History Maps Story, turned out to be by far one of my favorite assignments! I have no idea why… There wasn’t much to it. I went to Google maps and created my own map of destinations. I was trying to think of a historical/literary figure that traveled a lot. It was then ...
  3. bparsons

    Hacking Away…

    I thought this assignment was going to be very difficult and decided to take it on at the beginning of the week. Like most things about this class, I was wrong. Hackasaurus makes it so simple to do! I got the inspiration for this ad during a halloween costume search. I came across the cutest ...
  4. bparsons

    Back in Time: UMW style

    I love the idea of looking back in time and seeing how things have progressed (or turned for the worst). The assignment Way Back in Time embraces this idea with the web. I decided to use the Mary Washington homepage website. I am quite a legacy at this school. My mother, grandma, aunt, many cousins, ...
  5. bparsons

    Summarization: Week 7 & 8

    I always dread audio assignments. I like listening to music, but have never spent much time on editing or creating new things with it. However, it wasn’t that bad. Audacity (which I used for every assignment I tried) makes it a bit easier to edit music. This week I tried to do some of the ...
  6. bparsons

    Daily Creates: Two fer week

    I normally don’t do a special post for my daily creates, however for the two-fer week there were quite a few. I liked having two weeks to get them done and feel I wasn’t as pressured to do some. I could really choose through the ones that I thought I could accomplish well and that ...
  7. bparsons

    Boy Band Mashup

    I actually came across this assignment when pushing the random assignment button in the assignment bank. I only need two more stars to complete my 10 for the week and was looking for something simple and fun to do. I came across The Contest Nobody Could Win. The title didn’t really make sense to me ...
  8. bparsons

    RoadTrip Radio Update

    We have been vigorously collaborating trying to get the details defined before we start our recording! I looked over a few of the older radio shows and got some hints that will help us to really define our show (ex. intro music, how to introduce the show, and how it really comes together). Our group ...
  9. bparsons

    Remixed Context

    I was actually doing the 7 Comment Challenge when I came across a post on the blog Corgis and Cups of Coffee. She did a remix of Mean Girls and I thought it was really cool. I decided to try and make a remix of my favorite movie, Finding Neemo. The assignment is called Context. ...
  10. bparsons

    7 Comment Challenge: Tracking all comments

    I admit it, I have been slacking on commenting. I want to get better at it. I just do my assignments then move on to other work. I mean there is only so much time in one day to get things done without significant lack of sleep. With 3 other 400 level biology classes (plus ...
  11. bparsons

    Calling Ace Ventura

    I came across the assignment Character Calls and thought it could be interesting to do. The only question was, which character should I do? I looked at some of the previous posts, however some of them the blogs had been deleted. I ended up discussing the assignment with my roommate. I explained to her what ...
  12. bparsons

    Chipmunk’d: Audio Frustrations

    I have never been a fan of creating audio or even playing with it. For some reason, it just doesn’t click in my head. In our earlier audio experiences it wasn’t that bad. However, when I started to dive into the audio assignment bank I found a few assignments frustrating. I tried a few, and ...
  13. bparsons

    Summarization #6

    I feel like this week flew by! Before I knew it, it was the weekend and I still had assignments to do. I really enjoyed design assignments. They were different in just visual. You really had to focus on the content and the technique. The Design Safari really took some planning for me. However, once ...
  14. bparsons

    Roadtrip Radio Week #2

    As the deadline is getting closer, our group is getting more and more excited about the whole project! Things are really starting to come together. We had a general idea of what we wanted to do, but we are slowly starting to work out the details. This week our plan was to get a more ...
  15. bparsons

    A Place I’ve Never Been: The Land Down Under

    It has been my dream to visit Australia for some time now. Mostly to snorkel in the Great Barrier Reef. I would love to experience the diversity of fish and sea creatures that the coast has to offer. It also has unique wildlife such as kangaroos and Koala Bears. These are the thoughts that went ...
  16. bparsons

    A Tale in 4 Pictures

    I came across the One Story/Four Icons and thought it looked really cool and a bit challenging. You come up with 4 distinct elements that describe a story. The challenge for me was to come up with a story I could come up with 4 different elements that would describe it. I went through a ...
  17. bparsons

    The Truth is Out

    Movie posters never tell the truth. They are meant to compel you to come see the movie. When I cam across the assignment to reveal the truth, I knew I had to do it. I’m not sure why, but when I saw this assignment the first movie that came to my mind was Friends with ...
  18. bparsons


    When I did the photoblitz I chose my cat and dog playing for two things that don’t belong together. In reality, the oddly love each other and play all the time. This the camera roll that I got from just snapping pictures of them together. Just thought I’d share the cuteness
  19. bparsons


    It took me a few days to ponder about the designblitz. I had to first think about which elements I wanted to do and if I could do them effectively (or ineffectively to prove a point). I first started by reading the assignment document and looking at a few examples. However, the examples didn’t really ...
  20. bparsons

    What Pre-Vet Students do…

    I have always loved the “What I think I do” memes. They have always made me laugh. I even find myself relating to them sometimes. I loved the idea of creating your own. I decided to do a Pre-Vet student from my point of view. There are ones of med students, Veterinarians, and doctors, but ...
  21. bparsons


    As I was searching through the Design Assignment Repository,  I cam across one that looked a bit gruesome. It’s not my normal taste, but in honor of the upcoming Halloween celebrations I decided to do it. You take a picture, then zombify yourself. I looked at some of the examples and wasn’t thrilled with it ...
  22. bparsons

    Designing for the Radio

    I’m excited to start off this week with an assignment that is using our radio shows, but is visual. It seems kind of ironic to me. Our group radio show is going to be about a family road trip. For some reason this is pretty much the exact picture that popped into my head when ...
  23. bparsons

    Summarization #5

    After this week of taking photos and editing them, I can say that I LOVE pictures. You can do so much with them and change them in so many different ways. I can change an ordinary object into something spectacular with different colors and different settings. It was awesome!! Photoblitzing was by far my favorite ...
  24. bparsons

    A bit Overdone

    As I was looking for my last star, I came across an older assignment that was actually submitted by one of my good friends! I didn’t even know she took this class. Since I knew the creator, I decided that it was meant to be. I also thought the idea of over-editing yourself was funny! ...
  25. bparsons

    Drawing A Cat

    So as I was trying to figure out what other VisualAssignment to do for the week, I came across this one. It seemed quite simple and I thought I could use Pixlr again. Turns out, I was wrong. I couldn’t figure out how to use Pixlr to do this. I went back to the assignment ...
  26. bparsons

    Common Object, Uncommon Colors

    I am big into color changing, so I was excited when I came across another assignment that involved taking ordinary things and giving them different colors. I randomly came across this assignment, so I didn’t have any idea of what object I wanted to do. I am also having a lazy day, so I didn’t ...
  27. bparsons

    Normal To Extrordinary: The dot effect

    I really liked the assignment for Normal to Extraordinary. It creates normal pictures (of extraordinary people) into something different. I knew I immediately wanted to do my best friend, so I went through the pictures I have of her and came across one she sent me when she was bored one day (accompanied by pictures with ...
  28. bparsons

    A hint of Color

    I have done a few color splashes in the past, and they have become one of my favorite assignments. I have done a Cinderella slipper, Little Red Riding Hood, and of course my dog. I wasn’t sure what picture I wanted next but started going through my pictures and looking around my room to see ...
  29. bparsons

    Photoblitzn’ Away!

    This assignment was so much fun! I read the assignment and had some ideas before I even started so I finished a little ahead of schedule. I went home on Tuesday, and decided since I had my cats and dogs to aid me in the assignment it was the best to do this. So around ...
  30. bparsons

    Best of the Best

      It took a bit to figure out how to add a set as a slideshow. I could add as a gallery with all the images spread out, but that wasn’t what I wanted. I finally went back to the set of tutorials for adding plug-ins in and found out how! I created this set ...

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