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  1. braze

    Photoblitz Fun

    This assignment was super fun but also kind of difficult. I found it exciting because I was literally running around my apartment taking pictures and checking things off on my laptop. I found it difficult because I had to run to the University Center for one of the pictures and then run back, which took … Continue reading Photoblitz Fun
  2. braze

    Weekly Summary 9/11/2015

    I loved how this week’s readings, videos, and assignments were all connected. For the readings I read “Last Respects” from Tales from the Crypt and “The Lottery” by Shirley Jackson. I enjoyed both of these readings and liked how they provoked emotions other than fear. I also really enjoyed watching the video about Vonnegut’s method … Continue reading Weekly Summary 9/11/2015
  3. braze

    Host Character Intro

    Hello everyone. My name is Eve Winters and I am Lana Winters’ daughter. For those of you who don’t know, Lana was once a patient at Briarcliff Manor, an insane asylum. While she was there, Oliver Thredson was her psychiatrist. Little did anyone know he was also the mass murderer Bloody Face. My mother was kidnapped from … Continue reading Host Character Intro
  4. braze

    The Shape of Stories

    I like Vonnegut’s method because it shows very clearly the happenings of a story. It demonstrates the depth of a story and what happens in it. I decided to apply Vonnegut’s method to Shirley Jackson’s “The Lottery” and came up with: As you can see the story starts out pretty good. Everyone in town is gathering and conversing as if … Continue reading The Shape of Stories
  5. braze

    The Noble War

    For this writing assignment from the assignment bank I had to find a picture and write a short story about it. I chose a picture of Tate, from American Horror Story season 1, when he was walking down the hallway of his high school preparing to shoot up the school. He is preparing to fight … Continue reading The Noble War
  6. braze

    Buy Me A Bucket

    For this writing assignment from the assignment bank I had to write a bucket list that could have been legit or illegitimate. I actually started a bucket list in high school with stupid stuff on it, most of which I have already completed, and just add onto and check off of it as I go … Continue reading Buy Me A Bucket
  7. braze

    Fish on Toast

    The daily create for September 3rd was to take a picture of toast and edit something into it. I was eating my toast this morning and watching TV when The Little Mermaid came on. Ariel is my favorite Disney princess so I immediately thought of making the piece of toast, now digesting in my belly, … Continue reading Fish on Toast
  8. braze

    My New Nikes

    For this design assignment from the assignment bank I had to customize a pair of shoes. I chose to design a pair of Nike running shoes on I have actually ordered a pair of customized Nikes before from and love the process of making the shoes my own. I started out with a … Continue reading My New Nikes
  9. braze

    Pediophobia Films

    I enjoyed watching The Twilight Zone’s “Living Doll”, Night Gallery’s “The Doll”, and Trilogy of Terror’s “Amelia”. I have a great appreciation for older horror films, even though they usually don’t scare me, because they helped the horror genre grow and develop into what it is now. However, the basic elements that make them scary … Continue reading Pediophobia Films
  10. braze

    “Bloody Fingers”

    I originally read “Bloody Fingers” when I was in elementary school from the book Scary Stories to Tell in the Dark and loved it. This book, along with the other books, More Tales to Chill Your Bones and Even More Scary Stories, is a collection of short scary stories directed towards children that lead me … Continue reading “Bloody Fingers”
  11. braze

    Embedding Media

    This is my American Horror Story Asylum Title picture from Flickr. This is my favorite Bloody Face scene, when Oliver reveals to Lana that he is Bloody Face. I love Jim Groom’s tweet about my blog. You can follow him on Twitter @jimgroom and my other professor for this class Paul Bond @phb256. However, don’t forget … Continue reading Embedding Media
  12. braze


    Bloody Face is a character on American Horror Story Asylum who skinned people and used the skin as a mask to hide his face. He has a fascinating story and I can’t wait to tell it in my own “words”.

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