Touch the firehose of ds106, the most recent flow of content from all of the blogs syndicated into ds106. As of right now, there have been 92883 posts brought in here going back to December 2010. If you want to be part of the flow, first learn more about ds106. Then, if you are truly ready and up to the task of creating web art, sign up and start doing it.

  1. brendalevoy

    Read a Movie?

    I decided to “read” the movie Notorious.  I enjoyed the film and reading it added an interesting side to it.  I selected one of the beginning scenes when Bergman and Grant first meet.   I had a hard time uploading this program but finally found a way to convert it from a YouTube video to … Continue reading Read a Movie?
  2. brendalevoy

    Daily Create 3/19/2015

    This daily create was to create blurry art.  I had a hard time getting my camera to do anything blurry.  This is a picture of my sons, the car was moving, they were moving and I finally got a blurry shot.
  3. brendalevoy

    Daily Create 3-18-2015

    The objective of this daily create was to use junk mail to create art.  I  used an advertisement for a gardening company and made a collage of all the things I would like to have on my farm. Then I uploaded it on Flickr.  Here is my creation
  4. brendalevoy

    8 Weeks Down

    This week has been tough.  It was hard to get back into the swing of things after the break.  I started off just doing the daily creates, I wish I had done more before the weekend, but I will do better next week.  I enjoyed doing them, the projects are interesting and fun to  ponder. … Continue reading 8 Weeks Down
  5. brendalevoy

    Inspire #4 – Cody Walker

    I picked Cody’s resume that he did for his character Vinny D.  I think it was very creative.  I really enjoyed reading about his experience as listed on the resume.  He is one tough character. Here is my inspire post
  6. brendalevoy

    Inspire #3-Mia Boleis

    My third inspire goes out to Mia Boleis.  I really enjoyed listening to her audio file “Two Gunshots & a Splash”  It made me realize all the different layers you can put in a sound clip.  Not just the main focus but other sounds that help tell the story.  Here is my Inspire
  7. brendalevoy

    Inspire #2 – Emily Bostaph

    I was lucky enough to meet Emily while recording our Noir Radio show.  She is a wonderful person, so full of energy.  You can tell this every time you read her blog posts.  I could not pin it down to one specific post, they are all good.  Here is my Inspire
  8. brendalevoy

    7 Weeks down

    This was a good week.  I finally met my group and they were amazing.  Everyone was wonderful and we all seemed to work good together.  We met on Saturday at UMW in one of the recording rooms, we worked hard and got this show done.  Emily volunteered to do the final  edit and I think … Continue reading 7 Weeks down
  9. brendalevoy


    I did my comments this week.  I enjoy looking at how others do projects.  I think this is really a good thing to do.  I need to do it more often, I think it helps me be more creative.
  10. brendalevoy

    Daily Create 2-26-2015

    The third daily create I did was to draw a spaceship.  I’m not a very good artist but I enjoyed it.  I gave it venetian blinds just to make it a DS106 Noir Spaceship.  I also made it exactly the same on both sides so you can’t tell which side is up.
  11. brendalevoy

    Daily Create 2-25-2015

    This daily create was to take 5 imodicons and create a story from them.  I used PowerPoint and pasted my imogies to it and added the text.   I thought the second picture was a great Noir imodicon.

ds106 in[SPIRE]