Touch the firehose of ds106, the most recent flow of content from all of the blogs syndicated into ds106. As of right now, there have been 94981 posts brought in here going back to December 2010. If you want to be part of the flow, first learn more about ds106. Then, if you are truly ready and up to the task of creating web art, sign up and start doing it.

  1. brittanybrown

    About Me

    First and foremost, I’m an English major. Go ahead, pity me. “First I’d like to thank alcohol, coffee, and reading glasses.” I’m also a Digital Studies minor because my adviser recommended it to me, I had no idea what it was or what I was getting myself into, and now there is no looking back. …
  2. brittanybrown

    Michael Wesch: Knowledgeable to Knowledge-able

    Wesch touches on a lot of very familiar aspects of the web. It is oftentimes unfathomable the power one has at his or her fingertips with access to the internet. The most striking part of his talk was the portion in which he discussed the “social imagination.” The segment about the Yes-men and their news “takeover” […]
  3. brittanybrown

    Gardner Campbell: Personal CyberInfrastructure

    Campbell presents an interesting perspective on the progression of web utility in higher education. He suggests that the progress itself is very subjective, and barely beginning. In both his paper and his talk, a reoccurring theme is his belief that “the medium is the message,” and I couldn’t agree more. He emphasizes the importance of […]
  4. brittanybrown

    ds106zone LoDown 001

    Scott Lockman’s first podcast was more of a simple introduction for the following installments. He calls it a “work in progress,” and I am excited to learn and discover via podcast. He has a clear and engaging voice; he’s very easy to follow. He suggests that students might later experiment with radio play and that […]
  5. brittanybrown

    Week 2 Summary

    Show mommy how the little piggies eat! A Christmas Story is my favorite piece of cinematic art, hands down. And fork down, face down, meatloaf masquerade. I can’t get enough of it, and TBS gets me. I decided to create an online account for gifs so I could capture this scene in all its glory. Signing […]
  6. brittanybrown

    Digital Identity Analysis

    Previously, what little digital identity I could claim was fairly reserved and private. I’ve had a Facebook for several years, and my privacy settings are tight. I have a Tumblr under an impersonal screen name, and I have never posted any personal or even original text or images on it; all I use it for […]
  7. brittanybrown

    Week 1 Summary

    Phew! This got a little complicated because I had to create a blog for another digital studies class, and registering this site for both classes was confusing. That being said, setting up the site itself and the subsequent social media accounts was fun! It definitely takes focus and patience to do all this, but it’s […]

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