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  1. @Brottmom

    Top books to use in the Classroom

    This was the hardest top list for me to create because I read a lot of books that were perfect for my sixth grade classroom, but knowing that there is a possibility that I will be in a different grade level next year I wanted to take this into account when creating this list. I …
  2. @Brottmom

    Top 10 Childhood Favorites- So Nostalgic!

    When I was thinking back to all the books that I read when I was young, I had some very nostalgic thoughts about those times and seeing those covers again while searching for pictures to add to this post. This is such a fun top ten post for me! The Very Hungry Caterpillar by Eric …
  3. @Brottmom

    Would I ever do a mock Newbery?

      I have pondered this question for a while now and I believe that as a classroom educator it might be a difficult task! Not only difficult but take up quite a bit of time and a lot of planning for differentiation. I could see doing this an individual reading project, rather than a whole …
  4. @Brottmom

    My Overall Top Ten

    Thinking back on this semester’s reading I must say that I have read more and been intentional about my reading than ever before. My list is a combination of early readers on up to young adult novels. #1 Wonder by RJ Palacio #2 Tops and Bottoms by Janet Stevens #3 The One and Only Ivan …
  5. @Brottmom

    Skype Renaissance- Author Visits Via Tech

    Growing up I had the same librarian from day 1 in elementary school until I left on the last day of 5th grade. Her name was Mrs. Kindred and she had the sweetest smile! She loved books, loved talking about her favorite authors and reading to all ages of kids. I remember meeting at least …
  6. @Brottmom

    Shelf Control- ??

    My children have shelves and shelves of books- books I’ve bought them through book orders, their annual book from grandparents, book exchanges and even their board books from the showers that were held prior to their births. I feel as though I have read them each hundreds of times. Each book holding specific memories, and …
  7. @Brottmom

    Top 10 Read Alouds for 6th Graders

    Top 10 Favorite Short Stories for 6th Graders As a teacher of 6th graders, I have found that at this age they should be reading much of the content they read independently. Although, in my other post about why read alouds are important, I stated that I had been modeling fluency reads. I feel there …
  8. @Brottmom

    Read-Alouds- Why are they important?

    I’m in my first student teaching experience of my professional year and I am getting to work with 6th grade students. This has been a true joy, because my students can hold meaningful conversations and share their ideas readily. But one thing that I have noticed about the sixth grade class that I work with …
  9. @Brottmom


    So I have been reading several novels in search of the perfect move for my class to read for our next novel study. I re-read Hatchet, Maniac Magee, and Touching Spirit Bear. All of these books are books I read many, many years ago so I definitely needed the refresher. This week I have chosen …
  10. @Brottmom

    Seeing Diversity in Children’s Literature

    Diversity is all around us, we see it in almost every facet of our daily lives. I do believe that as the world progresses people are becoming more open to diversity and accepting of the differences that exist in our world today. I know that I have became more open to diversity as I have …
  11. @Brottmom


    This week our football team will play in the football playoffs, our school is Co-Op’ed with another small local school for sports and this is there first ever playoff bout in co-op history. My son is the water boy for the football team and my husband is one of the coaches. So lately I have …
  12. @Brottmom

    Challenge Checkup

      When I originally wrote my reading challenge, I knew that I was only going to be getting busier with student teaching and all that is life around the Brott farm. I absolutely got busier and life has yet to slow down. Student teaching has been a great experience as of yet, and I hope …
  13. @Brottmom


    This week I have a homecoming hangover! What a week it was, my little girl was honored with the duty of carrying the crowns for the senior homecoming court and received her own crown to wear as she pleases. Does she believe she is a princess now? Well, you might think so, but some days …
  14. @Brottmom

    It’s Monday, What are you Reading?

    This week was homecoming week in Hayes Center, loads of fun and non stop evenings. I created literacy rich lessons for my students this week, that included stories from our reading series and also some short stories that were chosen by my students. With these stories we talked a lot of plot, theme and character. …
  15. @Brottmom

    First 8 Weeks Reading Reflection

    Caption: My son picked up The One and Only Ivan and has been enjoying for his “reading for enjoyment” book! Are there enough hours? If I were to reflect upon my first 8 weeks of reading I would tell you that it was a bit of a blur. My reading choices have been a combination …
  16. @Brottmom

    Creating a Reading Plan

    Each Sunday I plan lessons for my sixth grade class for the following week and make sure all of my copies are made, along with this planning I have a good set of fiction and nonfiction short stories I go through to find anything that may match up or connect with the new weeks lessons. …
  17. @Brottmom

    Monday, What are you Reading?

    Old Yeller Because most of my reading now consists of reading that will be done with my 6th graders this is one that I have chosen to read with them. We are reading a shortened version of the book because it is just for the weeks lessons, but it has been a fun one to …
  18. @Brottmom

    It’s Monday, What are you Reading?

    As the school starts to really catch a rhythm and I attempt to find the groove of the schedule with my children, I’ve found that the books I’m searching out are ones that I can read with my children. This week with my toddler we have been particularly interested in any board book with farm …
  19. @Brottmom

    Ivan- One of my new FAVORITE Characters

    The one and only- When I started to read this book I’ll admit there was a line in the opening “chapters” that turned me off a bit. It went something like “we are distant cousins…”. Being a religious person, I don’t quite believe in the whole evolution theory brought about by scientists and questioned whether …
  20. @Brottmom

    Is AR Really Worth the Hype?

    “So and so didn’t read enough books or pass enough tests to participate in the AR party this month, so they are in the principal’s office reading until they have met their goal”. I have been on the receiving end of this conversation many times as the elementary librarian. Accelerated Reader is the reading rewards …
  21. @Brottmom

    It’s Monday, What are you reading?

    Many have watched the movie The Little Mermaid, it’s a Disney lover’s staple. Ariel takes on a rebellious side when she wants so badly to be human rather than a mergirl and decides to play with the dark side by making a deal with Ursula, the nemesis of the story. Ariel bargains a deal with …
  22. @Brottmom

    Let’s Read- There is time!

    This picture holds the little loves in my life, and also reminds me of the responsibility that I have been gifted. I’m supposed to foster curiosity, share love and educate these beautiful little faces. I can accomplish these three all within the pages of a book. – Hannah (I’m holding Miss Colynns (1), middle little …
  23. @Brottmom

    Create Great Readers…but how?

    I read through the interview with Donalyn Miller several times just to be sure I caught everything. I saw so many good things and some were honestly a bit hard to believe. Every student she has had has been turned into a reader? No bell ringers or warm ups? Read at all down time, free …
  24. @Brottmom

    It’s Monday…what are you reading?

    15 Caldecott Books Reviewed and Loved -Locomotive- by Brian Floca A tale that takes you back to beginning a trains and the progression of a trip from the plains to the mountains and finally to the ocean. I actually read this book to my 5th grade library class and they had never really thought about …
  25. @Brottmom


    Blogging is such a fun way to share feelings about many things, stories, recipes, etc. I have enjoyed blogging in other college courses and this one has begun to be an enjoyable blogging experience also. Reading children’s books is one of my most favorite things, especially when I have an audience. Blogging about these experiences …
  26. @Brottmom

    Not Always a Reader

    I wouldn’t consider myself to have always been interested in reading, a good reader? Yes. But there have been many times in my life that I have read books that have captivated me and took me into someone else’s life so much to the point that I wonder if I have experienced the situations for …

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