Touch the firehose of ds106, the most recent flow of content from all of the blogs syndicated into ds106. As of right now, there have been 92751 posts brought in here going back to December 2010. If you want to be part of the flow, first learn more about ds106. Then, if you are truly ready and up to the task of creating web art, sign up and start doing it.

  1. Chris Thomson

    The best camera…

    by the one you have with you. New Year's Day 2013 and a walk on a chilly beach in Northumberland. The light is usually brilliant on these walks so I'd taken my SLR to get some video (I need the practice). In the end it was this little ...
  2. Chris Thomson

    Story Wars: The dark side of the force?

    I love just about anything to do with stories and storytelling but this video by Jonah Sachs left me more than a little depressed. What does it do for you?    It comes from the Future of Storytelling site (def worth a look!). It's beau...
  3. Chris Thomson

    Digital Storytelling for Researchers

    I've been part of a discussion on a Facebook digital storytelling group this week about people using DS for research communication. It seems many researchers don't see it as useful as it will never be able to convey the complexity of their research t...
  4. Chris Thomson

    Digital Storytellers on Twitter

    I follow a few people on Twitter who say and do very useful things about digital storytelling. Some do it as their job, some do it as part of their wider practice, some teach it, some think about it. So I created a list on Twitter. Please feel free t...
  5. Chris Thomson

    WeVideo – online video editing tool

    The summary WeVideo is an online video editor that allows cloud storage of assets and finished videos. It's got a good feature set and nice links to social media tools. But it won't do everything. Pros Free Sign in with Google, Facebook or Yahoo Goo...
  6. Chris Thomson

    Recent Daily Creates for #ds106 (#tdc)

    Just a round up of my latest Daily Creates. I've not been very prolific with these mini assignments but it's still been fun keeping track of the work other people have been doing and getting the occassional comment from other ds106ers. I'm ...
  7. Chris Thomson

    Freestyle Visual Assignment (#ds106)

    Still catching up on previous assignments. This is cheating. I wanted to do an assignment capturing images using my phone. There wasn't an actual DS106 assignmnet on this, but I did it anyway. Having just bought a big camera I was given a...
  8. Chris Thomson

    Mission: Defamiliarise (#ds106)

    The mission for this DS106 assignment was to capture images of a familiar object and make it seem foreign. This object is a laundry baskey we got from ASDA (Wal-Mart, if you're from across the pond). I chose it because it's part of the ev...
  9. Chris Thomson

    False start

    Dang! I've been faffing around with different blog platforms, Flickr etc and not really been keeping up with this. I'd experimented with Tumblr to no avail so I'm back on Posterous.  About to start collating all the stuff I've done so...
  10. Chris Thomson

    Starting #ds106 #4life!

    This is the space I'm going to use to host my assignments for the #ds106 MOOC on digital storytelling. As I'm doing a dissertation as well at the moment I probably won't be doing every single assignment but I'll try my best to keep up. Th...
  11. Chris Thomson

    Digital storytelling with HTML5

    Updated 09/12/11 - 16:30: @sboneham pointed me towards this BBC Click podcast where they discuss the Highrise project. Section starts at around 4m 50s. bbc_click_podcast_highrise.mp3 Listen on Posterous Hat tip to @theokk for this one. Hig...
  12. Chris Thomson

    The net treats censorship as damage…

    "..and routes around it" - John Gilmore This article from the Chronicle of Higher Education article is a case in point. (was tweeted by @acalderon52  via @fredgarnett): Fear of Repression Spurs Scholars and Activists to Build Alternate Intern...
  13. Chris Thomson

    Scott Adams: The best way to kill creativity

    Scott Adams, creator of the awesome Dilbert strip, has blogged about why the best way to kill creativity is to encourage it. The creative impulse will out, usually as a response to discomfort or insecurity. Creating an environment which is "condusiv...

ds106 in[SPIRE]