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  1. cheyannenicole291992

    Final Summary

    For my final week of class I completed and created my two assignment ideas, my two daily creates, and my two tutorials. My first assignment idea I came up with was the “Your Name Acrostic Poem”. My second assignment idea I came up with was “A Collage Of Your Favorite Vacation Pictures”. The first […]
  2. cheyannenicole291992

    TDC Ideas

    The first daily create assignment I created was “A Self Portrait Of Yourself In The Year 2050”. For this assignment you are required to draw a self-portrait of what you think your going to look like in the year 2050. Will you have gray hair yet? Or will you still look like a young kid? […]
  3. cheyannenicole291992

    Assignment Ideas

    The first assignment idea I came up with was the “Your Name Acrostic Poem”. For this assignment are going to first open up a PowerPoint page and type in each letter of your name vertically. Then for each letter of your name you should come up with an adjective describing yourself. For example F for […]
  4. cheyannenicole291992

    A Collage Of Your Favorite Vacation Pictures

    A Collage Of Your Favorite Vacation Pictures First, go to and click “Start Your Collage”. Second, click “Upload Photos” and start uploading your five photos.   Third, a blank collage page appears with the five photos that you chose to upload.     Fourth, click the first picture that you would like to upload. […]
  5. cheyannenicole291992

    Your Name Acrostic Poem

    Your Name Acrostic Poem First, thing you should do is open up a PowerPoint document on your desktop or laptop.   Second, thing you should do is type in the first letter of your name i.e. the letter “C” and then press the enter key and type in the next letter of your name until […]
  6. cheyannenicole291992

    Jack Tweets

    Below are my tweets for the week.   JACK has been found!!!!!!!!! #NSA #ds106 #noir106 — Nicolette Scott (@NicoletteScottt) April 20, 2015   Have fun in jail Jack! #NSA #ds106 #noir106 — Nicolette Scott (@NicoletteScottt) April 20, 2015 JACK JACK JACK! #NSA #noir106 #ds106 — Nicolette Scott (@NicoletteScottt) April 19, 2015 Can’t wait for you […]
  7. cheyannenicole291992

    Week Thirteen Summary

    This week was pretty simplistic for me. Last week I worked extremely hard to get done as much as I could last week. This week for me was just getting down the last minute stuff that I couldn’t get done last week. I really enjoyed having two weeks worth of work provided to us early […]
  8. cheyannenicole291992

    Blog Updates

    Below are the two weekly updates that I posted on my blog on The Nicolette Scott Agency website. Who is Jack? 4/6/2015 Today I received a video from Professors Groom, Bond, Burtis, and Tutor Black asking me to assist them in finding out who Jack is. After watching this video I am very excited to […]
  9. cheyannenicole291992

    Week 12 Summary

    This was an interesting week. The first thing I did this week was to register my agency on The Nicolette Scott Agency’s contact form. Next, I was sent a video from my professors. This video was a request by my professors to help them find out whom Jack is. Then, I began coming up with […]
  10. cheyannenicole291992

    Jack Tweets

    Below are status update tweets about the investigation to find out where Jack really is. I published these tweets throughout the week. The Nicolette Scott Agency investigation is going great! #NSA #ds106 — Nicolette Scott (@NicoletteScottt) April 10, 2015 I found incriminating evidence in Jack’s House! #NSA #ds106 — Nicolette Scott (@NicoletteScottt) April 12, 2015 […]
  11. cheyannenicole291992

    Design Evidence

    Above is a design wanted poster I created to help my team, at The Nicolette Scott Agency, find Jack before he causes harm to anyone else. On the wanted poster I listed a couple of facts about Jack. For example, Jack is currently wanted for murder. Jack is 5 foot, 10 inches tall with short black hair. […]
  12. cheyannenicole291992

    Video Evidence

    This video clip was filmed at Jack’s girlfriend’s house. Nicolette filmed this video clip with her iPhone 6 Plus so that she could obtain some evidence to prove Jack’s girlfriend is unwilling to cooperate with The Nicolette Scott Agency’s manhunt to bring justice and prosecute and ultimately convict Jack of his crimes. As you watch this clip […]
  13. cheyannenicole291992

    Audio Evidence

    Above is a sound clip that Nicolette Scott recorded on her iPhone 6 Plus. The conversation you are about to hear is between Nicolette and Jack’s girlfriend. Nicolette calls Jack’s girlfriend’s house and starts to ask her some very serious questions regarding where Jack really is. Unfortunately, Jack’s girlfriend would not give her any information […]
  14. cheyannenicole291992

    Incriminating Photos

    All twenty of these pictures were taken with Nicolette Scott’s iPhone 6 Plus last evening. I snuck into Jack’s house in Washington D.C. and uncovered various items that I can possibly use as evidence to incriminate Jack and prove that he is indeed a murder. I used my phone to take quick snapshots of these items before […]
  15. cheyannenicole291992

    Week Eleven Summary

    This week was a great week for me. I first started off by going online to find a free website to create my very own website for my agency, The Nicolette Scott Agency. I first found a Paris background because I was an international model and then I started adding each page to my website. […]
  16. cheyannenicole291992

    The Nicolette Scott Agency

    This I began creating my first ever website for my agency Nicolette Scott agency. I first began by going online to find a free website creator. Then I began creating my website on I added a Paris background because Nicolette Scott was originally a international model in Paris and then I changed on the […]
  17. cheyannenicole291992


    by This week I did a two star web based assignment called “You’re A Pinteresting Character”. For this assignment I had to create a Pinterest account for my noir character Nicolette Scott. Then I had to do at least twenty different pins for Nicolette. Some of the pins that I pinned were pictures of high […]
  18. cheyannenicole291992

    Daily Create

    For my first daily create I completed the assignment to make Tutor Maggie Black a birthday card for her birthday this past week. I first started my card on PowerPoint and then I went online to find a picture of a black cat since her last name is Black. After that I wrote a little message […]
  19. cheyannenicole291992

    Final Unit Choice

    I have chosen to work by myself for the final unit of DS106. I have chosen to work solo due to my extremely busy schedule. I look forward to creating the “agency” that will complete the week’s storytelling tasks and seeing what this large story arc has in store for us in the upcoming final […]
  20. cheyannenicole291992

    Weekly Summary Ten

    For this week I had to do mostly video assignments. This week I began by completing last week option 1 video assignments. For this week I had to complete at least fifteen stars worth of video assignments for my character Nicolette Scott. The three video assignments I chose was “Supercut it”, “Transformation”, and “Highlight Reels” […]
  21. cheyannenicole291992


    For my interview this week I chose seven of my favorite questions from each Professor Bond, Professor Black, Professor, Groom, and Professor Burtis. The seven questions I chose was to answer were “What is your name?”, “What is your weapon of choice and why?”, “What’s in your refrigerator right now?”, “What board game would you […]
  22. cheyannenicole291992

    Video Assignments

    For my first video assignment I did the “Supercut it” assignment worth five stars. For this assignment I went online to Youtube and found clips of Donald Trump saying you’re fired to Apprentice contestants. This was the perfect video montage for Nicolette Scott because she loves to fire people at work any chance she gets. […]
  23. cheyannenicole291992

    Extra Credit

    This past Monday, March 23rd at 9:00 P.M. I listened to the live radio show on DS106 radio. As well as tweeted along as my noir character Nicolette Scott so that I would be able to earn some extra credit for this week. I really enjoyed the radio show that was broadcasted this week. Below […]
  24. cheyannenicole291992

    Daily Create

    For my first daily create this week I took a breakfast selfie picture. I first started off by collecting my three favorite breakfast foods, which included a banana, an apple, and two individual serving size Lucky Charms cereal boxes. Then I made the Lucky Charms cereal boxes the eyes, the apple the nose, and the […]
  25. cheyannenicole291992

    Final Unit Choice

    I have chosen to work by myself for the final unit of DS106. I have chosen to work solo due to my extremely busy schedule. I look forward to creating the “agency” that will complete the week’s storytelling tasks and seeing what this large story arc has in store for us in the upcoming final […]
  26. cheyannenicole291992

    Weekly Summary Nine

    This week started off great. The first thing I did was listened to the radio show Inside Talking as well as joining into the live-tweet along on Twitter. I really enjoyed listening to the Inside Talking radio show and seeing feedback from everyone in DS106 class on what they liked about the radio show on […]
  27. cheyannenicole291992


    After reading Roger Ebert’s “How to Read a Movie” I learned a great deal about how to take a keener look into the cinematic techniques filmmakers use when making movies. Then I went on to watching each YouTube clips such as Examples of Editing Techniques and learning about the different editing techniques that filmmakers use. […]
  28. cheyannenicole291992


    This week I choose to do choice one in order to complete at least eight stars worth of video assignments. For my first video assignment I completed the “Mockumentary With Your Favorite Archtype” which was worth 4 stars. For this assignment I collaborated my noir character Nicolette Scott with Megan’s character Victoire Absinthe. I started […]
  29. cheyannenicole291992

    Daily Create

    For my first daily create this week I did the assignment “A Dream Staircase”. I really enjoyed doing this daily create because I have many goals that I want to accomplish in life. My dream staircase has eight different steps. My first step is to graduate from college, which I will accomplish in May of […]
  30. cheyannenicole291992

    Radio Show Final Reflection

    This week I listened to my radio show “Dinner Party at 6″ live, and it was the best feeling ever to have it premiere live on DS106 radio Thursday night at 9:00 p.m. I was proud of the job that our group did. I felt we did the best job we could have, and I […]

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