Touch the firehose of ds106, the most recent flow of content from all of the blogs syndicated into ds106. As of right now, there have been 92635 posts brought in here going back to December 2010. If you want to be part of the flow, first learn more about ds106. Then, if you are truly ready and up to the task of creating web art, sign up and start doing it.

  1. Conor Kantwill


    For my last submit an assignment, I went with Sofia Ahmad’s idea of using to create a haiku over a picture from our Daily Shoots.  I’ve used the extension cord one a few times now, mainly because it’s so hard to do anything in my apartment.  Our electricity only works in certain rooms, so ...
  2. Conor Kantwill

    Fanfic Submit an Assignment

    For my third Submit an Assignment, I decided to go with CogDog’s suggestion of using Twister to make fake Tweets.  As a White Sox fan, there’s nothing better than poking fun at the Cubs and their miserable existence as eternal loser.  Nothing speaks to this more than the Bartman Ball incident from 2003 so I ...
  3. Conor Kantwill

    The Horizontal, The Vertical, The Tim Doom

    And now ladies and gentlemen, the moment you’ve all been waiting for: The Live Happy Hour Radio Show Television broadcast.  Nash and Cheeky sat down with Cpl. Ace Bestman and Tim Doom last week to discuss all things smuggling, as well as the future of DS106.  This was by far my favorite assignment, I absolutely ...
  4. Conor Kantwill

    DS106: The Movie

    For the final assignment today in class, Dave and I did a series of Jim Groom tribute pieces. Instead of doing three movie posters, we did a movie poster, an album cover, and a play poster.  The movie poster images came from our live tv show from last week, the album was inspired by A ...
  5. Conor Kantwill

    DS106 Advice

    Dear Future DS106er, Take it from me, I’m not the person to take advice on this class from. Technologically challenged, I stumbled through this class like a drunken sailor.  If you decide to embark on this quest (and it is certainly a quest,) you must know a few key things: 1. Be prepared to devote ...
  6. Conor Kantwill


    As part of our final project, Dave and I decided to make a couple of stencils of our favorite guests on the Happy Hour Radio Special to put on t-shirts. We took pictures of the characters, and after Dave played around with them on Photoshop, we cut them out with a razor and spray painted ...
  7. Conor Kantwill


    For the final assignment, I’ve decided to do my piece of fandom on the HBO series “Flight of the Conchords.”  I personally find the show hilarious, and it was a real shame to see it end after only 2 seasons.  One of my favorite aspects of the show are the posters from the New Zealand ...
  8. Conor Kantwill

    Director’s Cut Video Project

    In going through everything, I realized I never linked to the video I made for the Video Assignment in class.  I really struggled with this assignment as I’ve never worked with video before and it took me forever.  I chose to narrate scenes for the Wes Anderson movie “The Life Aquatic” because its one of ...
  9. Conor Kantwill


    As I mentioned in the previous post, I decided to stick with the Happy Hour Special Radio Show theme for my webstory.  I initially played around with Wikipedia and Gmail, but I found Craigslist to be the best platform for my non-existent HTML skills.  In keeping with the theme, I altered an add from the ...
  10. Conor Kantwill

    Final Project

    Somewhat surprisingly, the audio portion of the class turned out to be one of my favorites.  Thankfully Dave did most of the technical stuff for our project on Audacity, but I had a great time coming up with ideas and recording our shows. For the final project, we decided to keep the theme of the ...
  11. Conor Kantwill

    Firebug Story

    For my digital story, I think I’m going to use Gmail as my template.  I have a basic understanding of how all this Firebug stuff works, but I need a simple base to start with.  The Gmail page has relatively few complicated elements, so this should be a good platform for me to tell my ...
  12. Conor Kantwill


    So this short slideshow is the story of our apartment.  For the past couple weeks the outlets in our livingroom haven’t been working, so we have to resort to using a million extension cords in order to do anything.  It’s pretty damn annoying and I’m not sure why we haven’t called to get it fixed ...
  13. Conor Kantwill

    Iconic Me

    For the Submit an Assignment “Iconic You” I came up with a symbol for my site.  As the name of the website implies, it’s an AztecHandgrenade based on a stencil my roommate made a while back.  Unfortunately my scanner isn’t working so I had to photograph it and then upload it that way, but it ...
  14. Conor Kantwill

    Favorite So Far

    I think the visual/design portion is going to end up being my favorite part if the course because of all the creativity and art involved, which is what I’m into the most.  As far as the assignments go, I really like the idea behind the minimalist movie poster.  Distilling the premise of an entire film ...
  15. Conor Kantwill

    Bitchin Post

    I’m writing this post instead of posting the audio because I don’t have a microphone in my computer, which brings me to my DS106 bitch.  It isn’t so much a complaint as much as a concern, given where things are headed in the course.  The first caller brought this up on Tuesday night, but I ...
  16. Conor Kantwill

    4 Icon Challenge

    So this is my first attempt at one of the Submit an Assignment challenges, and I chose the movie version of the 4 Icon project.  Nacho Libre has been my favorite movie forever, and in my opinion it’s incredibly underrated.  I had a ton of fun doing this, it felt more like goofing off and ...
  17. Conor Kantwill


    After reading Gardner Campbell’s “Personal Cyberinfrastructure,” I must admit I feel duped.  Coming into college almost none of what I did academically was online, and having discussion boards, blogs and various other web tools required for classes seemed like a revolutionary new way to use the internet for school.  In fact it was in my ...

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