Touch the firehose of ds106, the most recent flow of content from all of the blogs syndicated into ds106. As of right now, there have been 92792 posts brought in here going back to December 2010. If you want to be part of the flow, first learn more about ds106. Then, if you are truly ready and up to the task of creating web art, sign up and start doing it.

  1. cogdog

    License to Font

    A quickly composed entry for the What the Font design assignment… Even as a kid I had a thing for the James Bond movie- I am not quite sure what parental supervision I was receiving. I had this little 007 car with petals I rode up and down the sidewalk- I cant say what connection ...
  2. cogdog

    What Other Class Has a Live Call in Radio Show?

    cc licensed ( BY ) flickr photo shared by cogdogblog The radio studio was in my hotel room in Washington DC on Tuesday– in town for the EDUCAUSE ELI conference, Jim Groom, Martha Burtis, and I (plus friend and guest Steve G) did what we could to keep ds106 radio on schedule — even pushing ...
  3. cogdog

    The Golden Arm

    cc licensed ( BY ) flickr photo shared by cogdogblog Since my copy of The Thing at the Foot of the Bed came in the mail yesterday, it was prime time to run another live #ds106radio broadcast of Scary Stories from Strawberry. I set up some props and creepy background music, and lit the live ...
  4. cogdog

    Mementoish Daily Shoot/ds106 Story

    This may set a record for the most un-managable blog title … this week. For some reason (help me Jim!) I cannot find the link for Assignment 4 in ds106 – it was more or less two do two weeks of posting photos in response to the prompts of the Daily Shoot. Heck, I’ve been ...
  5. cogdog

    My Life in 2000 Flickr Photos

    Just by some idle browsing of the discussions inside the 2011/365 flickr group, I found Elizabeth’s link and mention of pummelvision – a service that allows you to validate your flickr account and have it create a video of your last 2000 flickr photos and publish it right to YouTube, How could I not try ...
  6. cogdog

    ds106 Radio: Get Yer Ears On!

    I ought to go to sleep, but the shared assignments for ds106 keep tugging at me. And I cannot resist re-using this whacky flickr image. Assignment 50 is Come up with an aesthetic for ds106 radio. If you were to create a shirt, bumper sticker, poster, etc. what would it look like? See WFMU as ...
  7. cogdog

    50 Eggs

    Taking a stab at the minimalist movie poster assignment for ds106. There are so many ways to slice this; I rifled through my DVD drawer and landed on this classic I rewatched (a few times), Paul Newman’s tour de force as Cool Hand Luke. While we know the classic opening parking meter decapitation, the “failure ...
  8. cogdog

    Taxes Made Me Do It (ds106 Playlist Story)

    cc licensed flickr photo shared by brianjmatis Working on my taxes today got me started on trying a hand at a ds106 playlist assignment story (plus the Beatles “Taxman” showed up near the top as I scanned my music in iTunes. I could not help but try yo play in some flickr photos as well ...
  9. cogdog

    Four Icon Challenge

    For ds106 Visual Assignment Four Icon Challenge Reduce a movie, story, or event into it’s basic elements, then take those visuals and reduce them further to simple icons. I am a horrible free drawer, so I set up a set of frames in PhotoShop, imported some images found (somewhere on the internet), and did some ...
  10. cogdog

    Scary Stories from Strawberry

    cc licensed flickr photo shared by cogdogblog cc licensed flickr photo shared by cogdogblog Are you scared yet? No? Well you should have tuned in to our late night live radio show on #ds106radio — with Bryan Alexander visiting me here, it was the perfect plan to hatch. Sadly he seems to have been adbucted ...
  11. cogdog

    Are You Laughing at Me?

    Trying out One Shot from the set of the Visual Assignments in ds106. Take a single photograph. Chop it up comic book style to create tension and narrative This original is from my 2008 visit to Iceland, with the horse Nonni in the background laughing (or yawning at me). cc licensed flickr photo shared by ...
  12. cogdog

    Stir Up ds106: Thursday Tweetathon

    cc licensed flickr photo shared by ????? There might be other things to blog about, but nothing seems as exciting or interesting as the Mad Camp Adventures of Digital Storytelling Open Course aka ds106. There is a rive of creativity shared via the distributed blogs, the free form ds106 radio (by the people, for the ...
  13. cogdog

    Real LMS Revolutionaries Burn Zombies

    This morning’s RSS buzz, or rippling murmur, is the web video from upstart LMS Instructure announcing the open-sourceness of their Canvas platform, and with it, a literal parody of Apple’s then ground breaking 1984 video: As a frequently off target metaphor users, I step blindly into pot calling kettle black, but is the 1984 really ...
  14. cogdog

    Dirty Daffy

    I am trying to restrain the time sink that might become participating in ds106 radio, but it is easy to get sucked into the vortex. I made a little audio mashup the other not and dropped it in the bin, but you never know exactly where it goes from there- part of that is the ...
  15. cogdog

    The ds106 Abides (with stories)

    I’m tickled, not ecstatic rolling on the floor, about the response among the ds106 participants in creating examples of mini stories using the tools from 50+ Web 2.0 Ways to Tell a Story. I’ve always wanted to have more examples to include, and ds106 provides, abides, subsidizes…What is really cool is that they seem to ...
  16. cogdog

    When ds106 Radio Sucks You In

    cc licensed flickr photo shared by leo_irakliotis When Jim Groom hatched the Digital Story open course I bet he never envisioned the wonderfully weird, wild, and open free form radio happening these past few days at radio ds106. It would look like utter chaos to anyone looking in, which is good, cause it is. It ...
  17. cogdog

    DFW Boomerang

    It seemed a little odd for week 3′s ds106 assignment to be about 50+ Web 2.0 Ways to tell a story, but there is no way I would just do just another Dominoe story. I was flailing around for an idea, and the story just happened while wandering about. Here is a Vuvox Collage story ...
  18. cogdog

    50+ Ways to Be Napping on Updates

    cc licensed flickr photo shared by dannyphyo Take a long nap, Jack, Make a big snore, Elanor. Dont need to be awake, Jake, Just listen to me. Eek, time slipped away and I was not paying attention to ds106 assignment 3 referring to 50+ Web 2.0 Ways to Tell a Story. I’m excited to see ...
  19. cogdog

    Street Viewing the Trip to High School

    This might come up in ds106 as an assignment- creating animated trips through Google Streetview. Jim Groom tried to take credit for “inventing: it last year, but I am not stepping into that dog pit again. Well maybe I am— as I had done one in 2008, grabbing screen shots of Google Streetview’s trip down ...
  20. cogdog

    Glitter Blog Bling

    cc licensed flickr photo shared by FatMandy The other half of this week’s ds106 assignment is to experiment with amping up the Campbellian locker decor of your blog– this is fitting for the participants new to blogging, and probably something others revisit every now and them (unless some mad tyrant tries to tell you what ...
  21. cogdog

    Freediving For Gold

    Bear with me on a metaphorical stretch. Seat belts are not required, but we will practice our breathing. Wikimedia CC licensed image As a kid, I always liked being in the water- I never enjoyed swimming per se, but I loved seeing how far I could go, how many laps I could do, underwater in ...
  22. cogdog

    Intro Story: No Chicken Photos

    And here we go! ds106 is off the ground with week 1′s assignment, a post with typical Groomian oomph (‘this ain;t like your mama’s MOOC”). We are to do any kind of short story about something that happened recently. I was toying with some tech and came up with a half baked idea to try, ...
  23. cogdog

    “Play” is a Four Letter Word

    cc licensed flickr photo shared by ouyea…? “That’s for kids.” “It’s just a game.” “Cute. Now let me know when you do something academically valuable.” “Grow up.” “(I can’t do that, people will laugh).” With senseless violence becoming a sad norm, with the weight of a world dying of overheating or exterminating its own biosphere, ...
  24. cogdog

    Even a Cat can Animate a GIF

    Almost as much as grey page backgrounds, under construction barricades, and nested HTML tables, few things define the web of the 1990s as the animated GIF. It’s been rewarding and nostalgic to see the wave of resurgence in the lead up to the ds106 open course that should lift off this week. It’s been fun ...
  25. cogdog

    Cheese and Bacon

    Cheddar cheese is yellow and melts nicely to make sandwiches. Bacon has the ability to arouse the dead with its delicious smell and to drive Canadians bonkers. Desire is stacked in favor of the bacon, except– They’re under pressure from health nuts, vegans and pig lovers to eat soy food product. It takes guts to ...
  26. cogdog

    Ebert Schools Us in Reading Movies

    In doing some prep for a future presentation (this is almost historic in my modus operendi of procastination, as it is almost 2 months away from now), I revisited a seminal 2008 Roger Ebert post on How to Read a Movie. He shares a number of ideas I am thinking might have potential for ds106, ...
  27. cogdog

    Psychic 106

    cc licensed flickr photo shared by cogdogblog You cannot escape the psychedelic aura of ds106. Photo challenge- find the aura of ds106 where you live.

ds106 in[SPIRE]