Touch the firehose of ds106, the most recent flow of content from all of the blogs syndicated into ds106. As of right now, there have been 92792 posts brought in here going back to December 2010. If you want to be part of the flow, first learn more about ds106. Then, if you are truly ready and up to the task of creating web art, sign up and start doing it.

  1. cogdog

    Nobody Blabberizes Like the Bava, NOBODY

    In lieu of not having much other material to post here, I could not let the pre ds106 fun pass with a little playing with the most useful, erduite, scholarly web 2.0 tool… or see it at Like Xtranormal, most of the stuff one creates with Blabberize is pure nutbar crazy (but fun), yet, ...
  2. cogdog

    Cooking Spam Stories

    cc licensed flickr photo shared by roboppy No one (admits) liking spam, the electronic kind nor the meat food product… well there are fans of the latter, more than the former. Instead of just complaining I seek to make use of the stuff. For a while I was trying to pull bits out and tweet ...
  3. cogdog

    Play Five Card ds106 Stories

    In the pre-launch fury for the ds106 Digital Storytelling Open Course, I thought it would be fun (and easy to set up) to create a new place on the Five Card Flickr Stories site for us to play. Want to have a go at making a story? Head over to I’m curious to see ...
  4. cogdog

    It’s Alive!

    What hath Jim Groom wrought? A few spare body parts, some electricity, whilring dials, and some hunchbacked assistant… ds106 The Mad Open Online Course is Alive! So it’s not even place, it’s three weeks out, why are all my colleagues, friends madly in their labs, and doing of all things, retro 1990s techno things like ...
  5. cogdog

    I’m With Jim (#ds106 as open course)

    I have signed up for more open courses and barely participated in all of them- but I am aiming to break my mold with just off the press bavadelicious announcement from Jim Groom that he would be leading an online and open course version of his ds106 Digital Storytelling course at University of Mary Washington. ...

ds106 in[SPIRE]