Touch the firehose of ds106, the most recent flow of content from all of the blogs syndicated into ds106. As of right now, there have been 94975 posts brought in here going back to December 2010. If you want to be part of the flow, first learn more about ds106. Then, if you are truly ready and up to the task of creating web art, sign up and start doing it.

  1. @cpsc106gregphillips

    No More Daily Creates

    Conga line music initiate. No more daily CREE-ATESSSSSS! No more daily CREE-ATESSSSSS! No more daily CREE-ATESSSSSS! No more daily CREE-ATESSSSSS! No more daily CREE-ATESSSSSS! OK, now I’m tired. But in all seriousness, thank your [insert deity] I’ll never have to do another daily create. I should have wrote my future self a note, warning him about it. Out of […]
  2. @cpsc106gregphillips

    Doomsday Spatial Analysis

    Part 1: Introduction Have I mentioned that I’m a fan of science fiction? If you haven’t picked up on that, let me go ahead an reiterate that now, just so there’s no confusion.I’ll even go a bit further on that idea. I’m so much a fan that I often ponder some of the ideas present […]
  3. @cpsc106gregphillips

    Daily Create #tdc2387

    Makin’ Amazin’ Mazes This prompt is pretty simple to make. Maybe not so simple to solve? Make a maze. It can be an easy path or a difficult one or somewhere in-between. Share your maze out as an image file. Repeat as needed. There are many maze makers but this one — Maze Generator — […]
  4. @cpsc106gregphillips

    Week 4 Summary

    Week four comes to a close, amen. Sing that last sentence with a plagal cadence. The object of this week was to gather stars. Not the literal kind, as a giant nuclear reactor emitting flaming hot gas would rather hurt, but of the abstract kind. It’s like Pokemon collecting, but with quantification of effort. Oh, […]
  5. @cpsc106gregphillips

    Chaplin’s Foley Artist

    This is an assignment from the DS106 Video Assignments bank – “Charlie Chaplin’s Foley Artist” challenge (4.5 Stars). While an iconic of the silent film era, Charlie Chaplin’s movies never got the audio oomph of THX. Here is your chance to make the silent era come alive by adding foley sound effects to a movie […]
  6. @cpsc106gregphillips

    Daily Create #tdc2385

    Draw Together the Digital World Today’s Daily Create involves collaboratively drawing. Go to this drawing board and start doodling wherever you would like. The theme of the board is “The Digital World”. Your drawing can be abstract or literal, it is up to you! You can also add to other people’s drawings. Screenshot what you […]
  7. @cpsc106gregphillips

    Midweek Post – 18-JUL-2018

    Wednesday is the bane of our week. It is the never ending drudge to the top of a hill. Sad part is, time and gravity don’t share the same plane, so it’s not “all downhill from here“.  Or is it? Sigh. I hate Wednesdays. I do enjoy videos though, especially when they’re not kitschy and […]
  8. @cpsc106gregphillips

    The Three Little Pigs

    It may come as a surprise to you, but I’m not a fan of fairy tales. I’ve never understood our society’s fascination with the anthropomorphization of farm animals to get a point across.  Granted, there is some appeal to it. Otherwise, the Kingdom of Disney would never have become a thing. Still, I don’t need […]
  9. @cpsc106gregphillips

    Requiem for a Video

    Because it’s such an amazing piece, I feel I have to clarify this point: the song title is “Lux Aeterna” – not “Requiem for a Dream”. The latter is the name of the movie, but for some reason it’s been confused with the song. Probably because the song is so powerful, but hell the movie […]
  10. @cpsc106gregphillips

    Daily Create #tdc2381

    Create a Wacky Olympic Event Yeah we love watching people run, jump, and swim during the Olympics. But, what about making events that are a little wild and wacky? Today you are tasked with creating an off the wall Olympic event. Make something to announce it to the world.   “Bear Blasting” Full field on […]
  11. @cpsc106gregphillips

    Solve Et Coagula

    Solve Et Coagula. In simple terms, it means something must first be broken down before it can be built up. “Solve” or “solutio” refers to the breaking down of elements and “Coagula” refers to their coming together.  It’s the Classical Latin way of what I refer to as “Eating the Elephant”; to consume the whole, […]
  12. @cpsc106gregphillips

    Week 3 Summary

    I know I reiterate the process is more about art than it is the technical aspects that get you to the end. In other words, you should never get to “stuck in” with the technical aspects. As a simplistic example, you should avoid spending too much time on something like sampling audio; instead, you should […]
  13. @cpsc106gregphillips

    Daily Create #tdc2379

    Go to Hipster Business and create a fake logo and brand name. Then use this as inspiration to create a graphic that showcases what your fake hipster business does. Don’t want to use Hipster Business? That’s fine – do it any way you like – this is DS106. I didn’t like the website template, so […]
  14. @cpsc106gregphillips

    Auditory Hell

    This is an assignment from the DS106 Audio Assignments bank – “Auditory Hell” challenge. Per the assignment bank, the challenge is to: Create YOUR worst sound ever. Take audio clips of every single sound that you hate and put them all together to make The Worst Noise Ever. And after a few quick minutes of […]
  15. @cpsc106gregphillips

    Played From Another Room

    This is an assignment from the DS106 Audio Assignments bank – “Played From Another Room” challenge. Per the assignment bank, the challenge is to: This media assignment has two parts. First, edit a song to sound like it is playing from another room. The audio should sound muffled and the bass should be prominent. Here […]
  16. @cpsc106gregphillips

    Daily Create #tdc2374

    Show us (and #clmooc) your journey Take a trip today and show us your journey. You might do this by taking photos and sharing them, by drawing us a map of your route, or something else. Surprise us! I found this rather eerie at first. Then I said to hell with it, it’s cool. Google […]
  17. @cpsc106gregphillips

    Hell’s Bells Audio SFX Story

    This is an assignment from the DS106 Audio Assignments bank – “Sound Effects Story” challenge. Per the assignment bank, the challenge is to: Tell a story using nothing but sound effects. There can be no verbal communication, only sound effects. Use at least five different sounds that you find online. The story can be no […]
  18. @cpsc106gregphillips

    Midweek Post – 11-JUL-2018

    Hump day. The bane of all weeks. It’s a struggle to get past 2:00 PM, but we stumble forwards, hopeful for the weekend. The daily creates keep coming. I’ve put together a wish list for the Kool-aid man, and a fictional map of how far I’d walk for you. But the real focus this week […]
  19. @cpsc106gregphillips

    Daily Create #tdc2374

    Create a wish list for a famous person Create an wish list for a historical figure. Put in items that you think the figure would enjoy or need, and maybe add some drawings. You could use Amazon’s wish list facility for this. For example, George Washington would definitely enjoy having some a leadership book, an […]
  20. @cpsc106gregphillips

    Moon Graffiti

    So what makes a good, convincing audio drama? Is it the story? The sounds? The subtle layering of music timed perfectly against the unspoken tone? Or is the story itself? It’s all of the above, and then some. The object of a story is to communicate an idea (and that’s Art). Art is nothing more […]
  21. @cpsc106gregphillips

    Considering Audio

    Video killed the radio star. We can’t rewind and we’ve gone too far. Translated into artistic-speak, television killed creativity. It ripped away the ability of the end user to think and tossed it in the garbage. Television painted the entire picture via cathode ray tube onto a glass screen, requiring nothing of the viewer. Sit […]
  22. @cpsc106gregphillips

    Week 2 Summary

    Week two was a rather fun week. I’m kind of sad to see it come to a close. As an artist in my spare time, I really enjoy creating. Hopefully, the same spirit that embodied week two will spill over into the rest of the course. I gave a little feedback this week to a […]
  23. @cpsc106gregphillips

    Lars Moisture Farms Logo Needed!

    This is an assignment from the DS106 Design Assignments bank – “Create A Logo That Is Simple But Detailed” challenge. Per the assignment bank, the challenge is to: As designers are shfiting towards the KISS – Keep it simple stupid formula and creating Logos that are super simple and easy to understand. I want a […]

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